Chapter 24

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I woke to my alarm the next morning and as I reached to turn it off my stomach lurched and I ran for the bathroom, all thoughts of the alarm forgotten as the acid crawled up my throat, and I made it to the toilet just in time for it to spill out. I collapsed in front of the toilet, holding tightly to the bowl to keep myself upright as I retched again and again, with the blaring buzz still sounding from the bedroom. Eventually the alarm shut off and the retching stopped, as I reached up and flushed the mess away, feeling too shaky to get up from the floor, just wanting to lie down and not move again. It took several attempts but 15 minutes later I was holding onto the back door frame as Tessa sniffed her way about, using the wood to hold myself upright as my legs wobbled like jelly underneath me, my head ached and my stomach twisted. This was not going to be a fun day.

I just let her back in and was groping my way to the fridge to get a cold bottle of water when the stomach pyrotechnics started again and I barely made it to the sink, before once again coughing up bile. How glamorous, I thought as I cleaned up, wiping the cold sweat from my brow and grabbing a bucket from under the sink, just in case. I laid myself on the sofa, bucket, water and remote to hand, but a nap was definitely in order to beat this bug. All I wanted was for Tom to be here, worse than ever, to have him rub my back and fetch me medicine and to just not be alone while I was feeling so unwell. He was on his second day at comicon today, with 4 more to go; and it was lining up to be his favourite day as I looked at his agenda which he'd sent to me and I had to agree if I was there this would have been right up my street. Still he had promised to get me a tshirt from the event and get an autograph from RDJ to add to my Iron man memorabilia so that would have to do.

I spent the day on the sofa achieving very little, most of the morning and early afternoon was spent periodically getting close with the bucket, and the rest dozing as I was so tired it felt like my bones were aching. However late afternoon and I was beginning to feel a little better, up to drinking some peppermint tea for my stomach and keeping down a slice of toast, but I was now feeling lightheaded and dizzy which I chalked up to being down to the lack of food that day and my tiredness. I was thrilled when my phone rang, to see Tom's sweet concerned face checking in on me in between his panels.

"Hey Sweetheart, how are feeling today, any better? I've been worried about you."

"Same, same. Still not at my best, but I'll soldier through, tell me how was your panel this morning with Tom Hardy? Did it all go okay?" I deflected him as I didn't want him to worry and so he could enjoy his time there. We chatted for about 10 minutes, and Tom was in the middle of a story about a playfight he'd seen that morning between 2 guys dressed as Joker, a Jack Nicholson and a Jared Leto when he was being called back for his next set. I wished him luck and signed off. 

I had an early night to try and beat the bug, but next day began like the other. I grimaced at my reflection after another session with the toilet, trying to push through what ended up being a constant low grade nausea all day; on the plus side I didn't have a headache, but my boobs were sore so I ended up putting on my loosest, softest sports bra, but it still felt like I was being garotted. I got through my day of work and a few hours for the Trust not feeling brilliant, but enough to work, but was very disappointed to see a message from Tom calling off our catch up that night as RDJ had asked him to dinner. I smiled a little at the thought of him at least having a great time whilst I sat there with my mint tea and sticks of celery. I was counting down the days still and we had 3 more till he was home.

After my third morning spent with my head down the toilet and feeling like I'd been hit by a bus I I finally gave in that evening and consulted doctor google to see if it was worth getting antibiotics or something to make me feel better. The ongoing feeling of nausea was draining and annoying me more than anything else and I just wanted it to stop. So I typed in my symptoms and hit enter, distracted by a message from Tom saying tonight was off as well as he'd been given back to back panels and meet and greets, which hadn't been on his original schedule. He seemed a little down, so I fired a quick check in off to Harry who responded that Tom had had a rough night last night with fire alarms in the hotel going off and then he'd been mobbed a little by some fangirls and was getting some stick from a group of DC fans throughout his last panel and just wasn't feeling it anymore. The time away from home was starting to affect him too. I popped quickly onto Instagram to see the nightmare of last night, Tom had been properly mobbed and grabbed by at least 5 rabid fans screaming in his face and grabbing at him whilst his security tried to hold them back. He looked so tired and just done with it - my heart went out to him so I sent him a quick snap of me and Tessa lying together captioned "waiting for our love to come home"

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now