Chapter 5

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Over the next few weeks I somehow fell into a group chat with Sam, Harry and Paddy who'd lifted my number from their dad's phone because they were bored. Nothing too deep, just exchanging photo's of Tessa, random jokes and memes and chatting about our respective days, and in Paddy's case trying to get more help with his homework.

One night I answered a frantic facetime from Paddy begging on pain of execution for some help with his Geography homework. Watching his expressive face screw up as he laid out the possible outcomes of him not handing in this work, which ended with the improbable scenario of him being expelled and having to move to the Amazon to sell beads which wouldn't work out as he hadn't understood the climate variances in the Amazonian basin as he hadn't answered this homework, which he brandished vigorously towards the screen.

With tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at his impassioned pleas I agreed to help him, having started to take an A-level in Geography before dropping out. Something I still deeply regretted. He propped his phone up on the table so he could still see me and write at the same time and we began to chat and look through his texts and the net for answers to the questions set.

" it remains the most biodiverse terrestrial place on the planet." I ended, smiling at the industrious boy in front of me.

"What, who's that, finally got a GIRLFRIEND then" came the shouts from behind him as I saw the Hollands enter the house removing their coats. Dom came over to the table

"Hey Y/N! good to see you what's up?" he asked

"Hey guys" I said to the cluster around the table" just giving Paddy a hand with his homework again"

"AGAIN" screeched the twins, well aware of their youngest brothers attempts to elicit help.

I rolled my eyes at their antics and watched as Nikki smacked them lightly and told them to shift. She came over and looked at Paddy's work before glancing up at me with a wry smile,

"Wow, you've certainly drilled this into him, I am impressed, maybe we could get you to tutor him properly" she teased as Paddy pulled a face. "Anyway it's been ages, why not pop round Sunday afternoon for a cuppa and a catch up?"

I was taken aback for a millisecond before professing that I'd love to before signing off for the evening hearing cheery goodbyes from the whole household.

Sunday finally rolled around, and after a hard week of finally being well enough to log into my homeworking job I was actually excited about heading back round to the Hollands and catching up, hopefully not over Paddys homework though. I need some friends I thought to myself, I am allowed to now. Its so lonely.

So here I was, back again in front of my meagre pile of clothes in my small bedroom, well I had plenty of clothes but none that really seemed right, my pairs of joggers and t-shirts didn't quite fit the bill. Finally I decided on my cream crewneck jumper and a black tartan skirt with knee high black boots, warm, comfortable but not over the top; I smiled when I thought about the twins undoubted outfits of ripped joggers and rugby shirts - but it was their home after all, why not be comfortable maybe one day I would be as comfortable around them to be as casual with my choices.

"sure, why not look like a homeless tramp" came the quiet voice in my head, another left over from the Callum days.

"Nope. Not doing this" I said aloud before grabbing my baker boy cap and bag and heading out to the bus stop.


"Look who's here" called Paddy from an upstairs window as I looked up at him and waved. He ducked back inside and I heard a thundering from inside as the door was yanked open by Paddy himself.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now