Chapter 8

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TW: mentions of abuse

Not wanting me to be alone on new years eve as well, both Nikki and Dom had implored me to pop round for a quiet evening in; they'd promised it wouldn't be an imposition and they'd enjoy the company as it seems the elder boys all had plans including a raucous party with friends and clubs and not being at home with their boring parents, and Paddy was easily placated with a new videogame and the peace from his brothers to play it. I pulled on my favourite oversized olive jumper again, enjoying its coziness and another pair of leggings and my converse, no make up this time as I was beginning to feel confident enough to be around them without painting on a mask of sorts. I wandered into the kitchen to pack up some cheese and mustard scones I'd made yesterday as a gift for having me alongside a couple of bottles of good red wine before running through my checklist of closed and locked windows and switches, but feeling better enough in myself that aside from the checklist I hadn't felt the need to physically check the items themselves. 

Nikki welcomed me in gratefully taking the gifts I came bearing, wearing a black jumper over some joggers, quite the contrast to the smartly dressed twins jostling in front of the hall mirror to adjust the collars of their shirts and fancy up their hair before giving out quick hugs and shouting their farewells and darting out the door to the last night of debauchery of the year. I made my way into the living room and sat down opposite Dom who was watching some countdown programme on the tv, acknowledging me briefly as Nikki came in with glasses of wine and we all got sucked into the programme. It was nice. 

Scratch that. It was perfect. I'd never really been one for going out all dressed up, having to wear uncomfortable heels and too short skirts and revealing tops as dictated by Callum, and not being allowed to have any say in where we went, who we went with or how long to stay, just a puppet being dragged around and exhibited and flaunted to others while at the same time being ignored, desperate for C to talk to me, or say anything that wasn't an order or snide comment, rather than disappear with the lads leaving me alone. And being what appeared to be a single girl in revealing clothes in a sleazy club was no fun, having to fend off all the pervs and lowlifes and getting the blame from C when he returned for flirting and leading them on. Then the punishments. If I was lucky just some silent treatment, if not a slap or two, or worse being pushed onto the bed.....and NO. I am not thinking of that again. Not now, not ever.

I shook my head, took a sip of wine and tried to focus on the number 9 most requested toy of all time, grounding myself by rubbing the edge of the cushion between my fingers, and being grateful that it was the past and here and now I was doing the sort of thing I enjoyed.

It got to about 9ish when the front door opened. Both Nikki and Dom looked up in surprise as Tessa wuffed with delight and bounded out and Tom appeared around the door in a slouchy blue jumper and joggers, definitely not club attire. 

"What's up?" asked Dom

"Nothing much, I had plans but Harrisons still not talking to me, I don't want to impose on anyone elses plans and the pubs are too full and I don't feel like sitting in my house alone for new year so I thought I'd pop round...."

"Of course, darling" his mum said "grab a drink and some food if you're hungry. Paddy's upstairs playing on the PS4 if you want to join him in his rampage"

Tom screwed up his face, adorably scrunching up his nose "I'll take a pass on that I think. I'll be  right in" and with that he wandered off to grab himself some sustenance and Tessa wandered back in, making herself comfortable on the sofa her back pressd agaonst my thigh as she stretched herself out.

He came back in with a bottle of beer and one of my scones hanging out of his mouth. "I see you found food" his mum said archly as he plopped down on the sofa next to me, tucking his knees up, with Tessa curled up in between us. "These are great" he said through a mouthful.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now