Chapter 20

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I woke up to the annoying buzz of Toms phone on his bedside table, with him in his favourite position, wrapped around me, face wedged into my neck snoring gently, feeling each soft rumble and exhale across my skin. I leaned back and poked him in the arm, causing a grumble before a exclamation as he pushed over to his phone to turn off his alarm, before snuggling back around me, and kissing my ear whispering "Happy Birthday". I rolled over to face him, kissing him gently on the nose and wishing him a happy birthday too. 

"I wish I could stay here, all day - that would be a perfect present, but I've got to meet dad and the others in 45 minutes for our early tee off." he pouted.

"Well before you do go here" I said as I reached under the bed pulling out his presents. The first one was a slim rectangle, he ripped off the avengers wrapping paper quickly seeing a photo of us together - I'd made a little photobook with pictures of us, filled with messages telling him how much I loved him and what he meant to me and the reasons. I could see his eyes sparkling as he flicked through it, before a quick tear escaped down his face as he came to the last page, a picture Harry had taken at the gala event, just of our hands, our pinkies holding onto each other with the note "Because I'll never let go". 


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He threw himself at me, overwhelmed as I felt his tears slide down his face onto my neck as I held him close and tight. "Thank you darling, I love it." he hoarsely stuttered out. I kissed his cheeks before handing him his second gift - a pair of socks with Tessas face printed on them. He opened them and immediately burst out laughing, "These are perfect, I bet dad will want a pair too!" I then got him his final gift, which he opened carefully to see a pair of cufflinks with his initials engraved in them "For your next red carpet" I said "So part of me will be there even if I can't"

"They're perfect -  you're perfect. These are the best presents I've ever got. I love them as much as I love you. I'll give you your present later on today, I promise." he said as he got out of the bed and began to get dressed, slicking his curly mop back with some gel, bemoaning quietly that he couldn't get it right like Rachel could, before spraying a ton of deodorant and pulling on his polo shirt and golfing trousers, which apparently were a thing. He decided to wear his new Tessa socks and stuck on his shoes before coming over for one last kiss, as he was running a little late and was grabbing breakfast at the clubhouse.

Once he left in a whirlwind,  shoving his cap over his unruly, untamed curls, and grabbing his clubs and bag as he chugged down a quick espresso from the machine, I got up in a more leisurely fashion not meeting Nikki till 9.30 allowing me to slip into the shower before pulling on a knee length floaty skirt and white shell top, perfect for what was shaping to be a wonderful June day. 

Nikki and I sat in our wicker chairs, sipping on an interesting juice concotion as we waited for our pedicure time, feeling wholly relaxed in our robes after a hot stone massage and exfoliating facials. This was wonderful. Nikki was telling me that she'd managed to get Toms grandparents to come to the evenings gathering, despite the late hour and it was a secret as he'd thought they couldn't make it, and other party bits and pieces. "He really loves you, you know..." she said to me "I've never seen him as deep as he is now, even during his puppy love phase when he was in Billy." She gently squeezed my hand. "Thank you for making him so happy, he's so content. Normally he's working himself into the ground running from project to project, taking on way too much, but for you he's slowed down and learned to say no. I know you've had a hard path in life, and I'm so grateful you gave him a chance. You don't have to say anything, but I needed to." She raised her juice glass and clinked it against mine with a grimace, "Now where's the champagne."

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now