Chapter 28

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Tom held me tight against his side as he sighed contentedly, kissing my hair and running his hand over my back and shoulders, reassuring himself that I was there, and this wasn't some twisted dream.

I turned my head to look up at him, seeing him looking utterly content, even with the drying tears on his cheeks, made my heart sing and cemented the thought that this was where I was meant to be.

"Is there anything you want to ask me, you know about the pregnancy or?" I asked

He turned his head to me " I don't even know what I should ask...."

"Okay, well I'm about 12 weeks pregnant now, erm, I've got a hospital appointment next week..."

"Hospital?" he asked sharply 

"yep, its just a normal scan to see how things are going and confirm how old the baby is and when I'm due," I could feel his tense body relax under mine before going rigid again

"Do we need to go to the hospital now, I mean you fainted and..."

"Nope, no hospital, being lighteaded and dizzy and fainting is kind of normal for this stage, at least I've mostly stopped throwing up now."


"chill, again that's normal morning sickness, don't you ever remember your mum being ill when she was pregnant with Paddy at least?" He shrugged " well, as I said its mostly stopped now, but this morning was pretty bad and I didn't get much sleep either. I don't really have much more I can say about it right now.." I tailed off yawning as he snuggled into me more, my eyes closing as fatigue swept over me again.

20 minutes later there was a knock on the door, then when silence greeted it a key slipped in and a voice called out for Tom, and footsteps headed towards the living room. Then there was a relieved gasp from Nikki as she looked at the sofa to see Tom lying there, his arms wrapped around Y/N, face buried into her hair, her clutching onto his tshirt, both fast asleep, obviously having made up. She smiled, soothed in the knowledge that this bad patch was over and her boy could be happy again; she quickly pulled out her phone snapping a photo and sending it to Dom, before quietly letting herself out and heading home, making a note to put 2 plates of food aside for them later in the day.

It was late afternoon when I started waking up, feeling Tom shifting a little under me. I'd slept really well, my mind and emotions finally at ease in the comfort that I was loved, that we were loved. I pushed myself off his chest looking up at his sweet face and adoring eyes, leaning in to peck him on the lips. "what time is it?"

"About 4pm - shit, I was supposed to be finding something for mum and have dinner." He scrambled to pull out his phone as I sat upright watching. He unlocked it to see several messages, but the main one from his mum with photo attached of us sleeping together So glad you worked it out. I'll put some dinner aside for you both, See you soon. Love mum.

"Well at least we don't have to worry about them finding out. Or cook tonight" he offered showing me the screen. I curled in next to him as he began going through his messages, mostly from his brothers mocking his absence from dinner, with Paddy grinning over a huge pile of potatoes Leaving NONE for you 😁.  As my stomach let out a strangled grumble at the sight of the food,

"Do you want to go over? I can go and pick up our plates if you want to rest?" Tom offered with an indulgent smile. I nodded, not ready to face the family or launch myself back into the Holland madness quite yet. As he grabbed his keys and went to go, he hesitated looking over at me.

"You won't," he swallowed, "You won't leave while I'm gone?" he asked his insecurites coming slamming back into play. "No, I promise. I'll be right here," He smiled and turned to go before coming back over to kiss me gently, "I love you." He whispered.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now