Chapter 30

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We headed out from the hospital into the carpark, I was leading Tom who seemed in shock. I was too, to be fair, but coping a lot better with it. He managed to unlock the car and we both got in, but just sat there, thinking over the last 20 minutes. Babies, twins, 19th June. Wow. I reached over and grasped Toms thigh just wanting that connection, the contact. He turned to me, tears falling again as he gave me a watery smile, and leaned over to hug me tight, as he whispered into my hair,

"I love you and our babies so much. Oh my god, two, and their heartbeats and everything, and they're both doing fine." He pulled back to look at the photos we'd been given. Look, pointing out the little titles above the scan "here's A and B. Do you think they're girls, or boys or both?" I handed him a bottle of water to have a sip and calm down a little.

"I know. Our 2 amazing babies. I have no idea what they will be but I don't care. Now we need to get out of here before we get charged for another hours parking, and remember we need to pop in to your parents after 3, looks like they'll be getting more than one surprise today. How do you want to tell them?"

"I hadn't thought of that, but you're right, lets get home, have a think and I need a cup of tea and a sit down right now!" 

25 minutes later we were sat on the sofa, the scan pictures laid out on the coffee table as I leaned back against the cushions sipping on some mint tea as Tom gently rubbed my feet which were propped in his lap. "Looks like we're going to need another boat. Well, cot, and buggy, and bouncer and everything." Tom said looking indulgently at the photos. "I've got a few suggestions about baby stuff, if you want to hear it?" He asked hesitantly. I groaned quietly at his massaging fingers on the balls of my feet before indicating he should continue.

"Ok, firstly the babies room, I was thinking we could use the spare room closest to ours rather than repurpose the mini office you made for me, they should share until they're a bit older - I mean we have the room, but it might be a bit easier to have them together in one nursery?" 

"That sounds lovely, I hadn't even started thinking about rooms yet, we'll have to see where we can put the cots and changing tables and everything else we need -it should all fit. Shall we keep it the sage-y green? its gender neutral so will fit whatever we have" 

"I think so, but we have time to change it if we want. Now the second thing." he reached from my foot to stroke across my bump "I really think we need to go private for this pregnancy....hear me out. With it being a twin pregnancy, I want you and them to have the best possible care and support we can get, and if we go private we will have more control over who our doctor is and can get more scans and advice and we will have more privacy than is available through the NHS. You don't have to agree right now, but I want you to think about it - we can have longer, 4D scans to make sure they're growing okay and getting an appointment will be a lot easier."

I nodded, and agreed "That's fair, for the babies sake we should do it, I could use all the extra support and not having to wait for scans and the rest. Plus I know how worried you have been and if this means you are happier and feel better, lets do it." He grinned at me before climbing up almost into my lap to press his lips firmly against mine whilst keeping any pressure off my abdomen, moving gently before the kiss became deeper and more passionate, wanting to express all he felt with the caress of his tongue against mine in a sweet dance. 

We'd just pulled away from each other, wanting more when we noticed the time - already 5 minutes late we scrambled to shove on jumpers and grab keys and bags and phones including the scan photos as we walked round, holding hands tightly trying to keep in the elation we felt. Tom had his key in the door when it was pulled open in front of him and Nikki almost threw herself at me in excitement, before tugging me inside as Tom stood there alone on the door step. 

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now