Chapter 34

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I woke up to the movement of Tom sliding away from me, leaving a coolness against my back as his heat left. Eyes still closed, comfortable and dozing I heard him pad away, the bathroom door closing and then a hand stroking my hair, to wake me. I batted my hand at the intruder, still buried under the duvet. Hearing a small chuckle I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see Tom sitting on the edge of the bed still stroking my hair with one hand, a steaming cup of lemon and ginger tea on the bedside table, as he dipped in to softly kiss my forehead

"Happy Christmas baby" as I sat up to reach for my tea he bent down to pick up a plate of celery sticks he'd put together for me with a blob of peanut butter at the edge of the plate. I smiled at him and leaned into him for a kiss, reaching around to play with the curls at his neck as I entered his mouth with a heartfelt expression of my love for him. Plate placed on the bed, he had his arms wrapped around me as the tea slowly cooled by my side.

Eventually the pressing need of my bladder overrode the pleasure and joy in kissing Tom. We could and frequently did spend hours kissing each other, each time passing by like seconds. Often Nikki, Dom or the twins would notice us missing to find us standing in another room, a corner, the hallway, middle of the kitchen, pressed against each other lost in kissing each other and they had a fine gallery of photos to prove it. Having dealt with my most pressing need I returned to sit next to him, drinking down my now just warm tea, before he put some fluffy socks on my feet as I had terrible circulation and my feet were almost always cold these days and we headed downstairs, to briefly celebrate our own christmas before joining the rest of the family.

Tessa was snoozing on the sofa again, ignoring the red ribbon attached to her collar, as christmas Simpsons episodes played quietly on the tv, our trees lights sparkling gently in the corner, presents for each other nestled under the branches. Tom waved me away to the sofa, bending down to collect everything from under the tree, sitting at my feet next to the coffee table. At the noise of crinkling paper Tessa eyes shot open and she lifted her head tilting it sharply to the right, as he unearthed a dog stocking we'd bought for her, and her nose twitched at the smell of the chews we began to feed her, the squeaky chicken ignored for the moment as she feasted.

Having indulged Tess, I insisted on handing Tom one of his presents first, and he sat there in a christmas pyjama top, tight over his arm muscles as I passed a squashy square to him, his face lighting up at it. He carefully loosened the tape unwrapping the paper to see his first Dad tshirt. His eyes gleamed with joy as he took in the message on the front, eyes crinkled with laughter as he giggled out

"Daddy in more ways than one!" 

I smacked his bicep lightly. "we are not advertising that thank you very much. Gutter mind." He leaned up from the floor to kiss me and then my belly

"I love it, its perfect, best promotion I ever had"

He handed me a small  eggshell blue box, which I opened to find a delicate silver Tiffany chain with two silver hearts attached,

"We can get their names engraved on it once they're here" he said as I ran my hands through his mop of curls as he leaned against my leg.

I dithered between his 2 remaining gifts electing to hand him the bigger one, which he unwrapped to show a large canvas print of the best ultrasound picture. "For your office my love," I smiled as he got a little teary eyed. Before he could pass me anything else I grabbed his hand placing it once again on my stomach, on the right this time as one of the babies commenced a stretching routine; Toms eyes shone even brighter as he moved his hand carefully over the movement inside, feeling his babies come to life properly for him. Presents abandoned he leaned in to press a lingering kiss against the upper swell, cupping my whole stomach with his hands. Holding his whole world in one.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now