Chapter 38

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Warning - SMUT

At 24 weeks, I had another growth scan, which Nikki took me to, Tom having reached a critical point in his work; he was disappointed not to be able to go with me to this one, but was glad his mum could so I wouldn't be alone. It was getting a little undignified not just to get up on the bed but the following midwife appointment, where peeing in a cup was quickly becoming an underated skill.

Nikki awwed at the sight of the babies on the screen, bringing back memories of her own twin pregnancy, as the sonographer measured and ran the wand all over. My phone began to buzz halfway through; Nikki grabbed it to show me an incoming facetime call from Tom. I answered as he quickly asked "I haven't missed it have I?" I turned the screen so he was facing the big tv, our babies wriggling around as the wand prodded them. I held the phone away from me until the scan was finished, then turned it back to see Tom wiping his eyes, big smile on his face. Just as we began to talk I could hear a call from his end that they were reset and ready for the next take. Tom pouted at me quickly "I've got to get back, I love you, all of you. See you later" and he was gone.


We began to receive deliveries all stacked against the nursey walls, of cots, a changing table and wrapped in plastic, but fully assembled a nursing chair which rocked gently. That weekend we resolved to begin building, wanting the nursery to be ready and waiting, making it even more real. So by 11am that Saturday morning, after Tom had run through his abbreviated gym routine we began to unpack the boxes. I held onto the instructions and counted out the bolts and screws as he hefted out the heavy wooden partitions which would be 2 cots. I prided myself on my ability to build furniture, but was going to have to yield the actual work to Tom, as my large stomach was a hinderance, although his background in doing carpentry was exceptionally useful. And he was good with his hands....... We communicated fairly well on the first build but then it deteriorated briefly on the second and I excused myself to make some tea and to scream loudly into the sofa cushions as my frustrations grew too much to bear.

When I returned Tom had stripped off his tshirt, wearing just his workout shorts as I admired his form. We got the cots built and manoevered against the wall as he wielded the drill, I felt a surge of lust wash through me at the sight as he leaned over the side of the cot attaching a canopy against the wall. Yes, this sight I could get used to, handyman Tom.

"Little more to the right, bit more, hmm, tiny bit higher!" I directed as I stared at his flexing back muscles, as he reached up, then down to his tight butt showcased perfectly in the even tighter shorts. He looked back to see if I was happy with the placement, just to see me wordlessly staring at his body.

"Like what you see?" he challenged

"oh, very much" I replied from my spot, reaching into the low cut neck of my top and running the tips of my fingers over the slope of my breasts as I crossed my legs, allowing my skirt to ride up my legs.

"Lets get this done" he said with a laugh as he pulled out the stepstool to reach high enough to attach the hooks for some pictures, "Here stand against the wall and hold the ladder steady whilst I fix this" he asked.

So I moved to hold the sides of the ladder looking up at him, and passing up the hooks when he asked. I saw him smirking down at me, as I looked down and found myself face to face with his groin, a slight heaviness visible through the material.

"Like what you see?" he  asked again.

but instead of asking I cupped the beginnings of his erection as it grew longer and thicker under the touch of my hand, as he pushed against it. He quickly finished the hooks as I stood there holding onto the heavy weight through his shorts.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now