Chapter 18

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It was early, not quite 6am when Tom slipped out of bed with a yawn, stumbling into the bathroom to splash some water on his face and pull on the gym clothes he'd left in there the night before, so he could get to the gym before it got too busy. He opened the door quietly and was about to leave the bedroom when he looked back to see Y/N still curled up on her side in a tight little ball now he'd left the bed, a far cry from the tangled limbs and cuddling they tended to when lying together. He could see her hair sticking up over the top of the duvet and sighed quietly with contentment. It had been the best few weeks of his life living with her, just her presence was calming to him and he felt so comfortable and happy with her. Everything was exciting and fun, watching tv under his blankets, cleaning the car, going shopping, all the mudane chores had a different slant now she was doing them with him. He'd even managed to convince her to sleep in more and do her online work later in the day in the little office he'd set up so she could focus in peace, even if she preferred to work from the breakfast bar in the kitchen with Tessa curled at her feet. She truly was his soulmate.

As he got in his car he was still musing, the changes that had happened, and the downsides -the worst one being that he often had to be away for his work, not for long periods of time at the moment, but there were some interviews and awards and photoshoots coming up later that week that he was still pouting over after his publicist inisted he had to be there in person. He knew it was needed, but that didn't stop him wanting to hermit himself away with Y/N, just the two of them. She wasn't comfortable to go with him, after all she hated crowds of people, was quite introverted, and he could still see glimmers of pain or fear from her trauma and knew she had occasional bad dreams as he woke with her either clinging to him like a koala, with not an inch of space between them, or so far away there was no contact at all. He didn't want to put her through the gamut of the press constantly being in their faces, not granting a moment of peace, and all the fans going crazy over her, and he knew how protective his fans could be of him and how vicious they could get. It would break her.

He began his routine in the gym which was mercifully empty so far, just the odd focused patron dotted around the huge room. He let his mind wander to take the focus off the strain in his muscles as he lifted the weights, and rotated through the pull ups, and ropes, and leg presses. 

His parents had been less than thrilled when they found out he'd moved someone in as they popped round to find 2 suitcases full of belongings in the hall. It hadn't helped that they'd been mostly blocking the front door and Dom had almost fallen over them when they'd come round to see how things were after both Tom & Y/N left in a hurry the previous day. At first they thought that Toms mate had moved back in and we're concerned about how this was going to go after their falling out and had set themselves up for a full on lecture to both of them, with a focus on how Tom should be paying more attention to the complex situation rather than running away to play with his mates. They were very surprised when Y/N appeared from upstairs, interrupting the diatribe.

After a sit down, a cup of tea and an earnest conversation about who was living where and why, they understood, even if they still had reservations about Tom taking on too much for someone, who to their knowledge he'd only been seeing for 2-3 days, but once they'd calmed down and were able to look at it clearly they were really accepting of it, seeing how supremely happy he was with her, and knowing her sweet nature they came to the conclusion that she was ideal for Tom and his workaholic tendencies and in their hearts  they  welcomed her (back) into the family in a slightly different fashion. 

Tom grinned to himself, as now they were spending more time with her than him, and Paddy was overjoyed to have his homework buddy so close to hand. He sipped from his water, heading into a warm down session, in a rush to get back to the woman he considered the missing piece and the love of his life.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now