Chapter 37

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Warning - SMUT

We were getting by quite nicely. Tom had started doing his voice work for the animated film and was really enjoying the experience with his costars and the sound crew were amazing. He left every morning with a bounce in his step and even after a full day talking he came in still a ray of sunshine. I made sure to have plenty of tea ready for him, providing hot honey and lemon in the morning to warm his vocal chords before he left the house. I was almost 22 weeks now and finding it getting more awkward to move about, and it was a struggle to manage some things but I was too  stubborn to let Tom know, so I'd deal with cold feet rather than try and put on a pair of socks and had entirely given up trying to reach the top of the mirrors to clean them. 

I had started working properly for the Trust and found myself wearing a smart top and jacket with Toms old joggers, resting under my bump on video calls to the projects outside the UK, which both he and Nikki found hilarious - it really was a tale of two halves, but after I'd burst into tears at their indulgent looks they'd elected to keep their amusement to themselves. I hadn't meant to get upset, but my mood could and often did switch on a whim and I felt sorry for everyone who had to pussyfoot around me, unless I was currently a rage monster then they deserved every bit of fury I sent their way.

The twins were the latest recipient of my moods. It was their birthday and unable to make them a cake this year (mostly because I tended to eat the raw cake batter which wasn't good for me with the raw eggs in so baking had been banned for the moment) so I'd bought them a vanilla cupcake each; sadly they decided to tease me about the cake batter situation and in a sudden rage I'd smashed the cupcakes, icing down over their heads, grinding it into their hair, before sobbing hysterically about it. They'd both found it utterly hilarious but elected to save their giggles till I was safely in the kitchen being consoled. To make it up I got them both a nice gift and a cookie cake to share later in the week.

Tom luckily had another way to flip my mood around and he made the most of it. I had planned a Valentines day surprise for him to soothe my raging libido and treat him for putting up with my insane mood swings. He'd had an early finish for the voice work as most people had plans, and unknowingly so did he.

Before he'd left that morning, he'd put together a small gift basket on the table for when I woke up with a beautiful heartfelt letter, a plate of celery sticks and peanut butter, my favourite perfume and a small potted succulent. He knew the perfect way to my heart. He bounded through the door full of beans from his day, dropping his wallet and keys onto the tray on the hall table before grabbing the charger waiting in the kitchen to sort out his phone. I called him upstairs to help me with something, and as he came through the door his jaw dropped at the sight, I sat on the bed, leaning backwards to show off as much of me as I could, wearing a sheer black lace bra half cup bra, breasts overspilling, netting cascaded over my bump framing it, the tiniest sheer thong and lace hold up stockings. I had carefully applied deep red lipstick and had used his gift of perfume liberally. His eyes roamed over every inch of me and I could see his jeans getting uncomfortably tight, as he stepped further into the room, practically drooling. His breathing had already deepened by the time he was close enough to touch me, but I raised my hand to stop him.

"A little overdressed aren't you?" I asked teasingly as I ran my hand slowly along the lace against my stomach, and instantly he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing that perfect chest and stomach, pulling at his button and zip to remove his jeans too, hampered slightly by his insistent hard on. Just in his tight boxers he clambered onto the bed, where I pushed him gently down onto the pillows where he looked up at me with a devilish smirk on his lips, liking where this was going. I loomed up over him crawling up his body, so first my breasts then pregnant stomach brushed over his erection, until we were face to face. I took his hand and pushed it to the headboard, followed by his other one, and without a word I carefully wrapped his wrists together using velcro restraints I'd bought for just this occasion. As he felt me tying his wrists he sucked in a shuddering breath, tugging gently against them as I  wrapped the ends around the headboard, so he still had freedom to move a little, without making his shoulders ache.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now