Chapter 15

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Warning: SMUT and domestic abuse flashbacks

We were ready to leave and headed out into the main part of the hotel to grab a taxi back to Kingston, with Tom guiding me with a gentlemanly hand splayed across my back; as we exited I looked to the right over to the bar where I had my last glimpse of the Barbie, her mouth practically on her chest in shock and rage at Tom and I walking out together, as I offered her a sarcastic little wave, sniggering the whole time.

The ride back to Kingston wasn't too long, but was nearly unbearable as we shared with Paddy and the twins all of whom kept sniggering at us and asking dumb questions and teasing. Tom kicked them all out at their house before instructing the cabbie to take us round the corner before we too hopped out and Tom led me through the door of his house before closing it quickly and then pushing me back against it and kissing me deeply, almost devouring each other as we tried to make up for the agony and frustrations of the previous month apart. He began to slide my dress up over my hips so he could feel the stockings and garter properly, reaching down to run his hands over the contrasting silky, then lacy material intersperced with my warm soft pliant skin, which he dug his hand into passionately, leaving bruises blooming. As he suckled on my neck and down, leaving dark marks all along my collar bone I gripped at his hair, as desperate for him as he was for me; all I could think of was him inside me, never had I been as desperate as I was now.

Finally, Tom pulled his mouth from me and growled "Upstairs" before dragging me with him to his room, beginning to remove his jacket and cufflinks as he went discarding them along the way until we reached his room, my wrap and heels also discarded up the stairs. In his room he stared at me with such hunger in his eyes as he almost ripped off his shirt, trousers and socks before launching himself at me holding me tightly against his magnificent toned body as he kissed and bit at my neck, whilst simultaneously carefully reaching behind me to unzip my dress, which fell pooling at my feet leaving me in nothing but my pants, garter and stockings. He picked me up under my thighs and with my arms wrapped around his neck he carried me over to the bed practically throwing me down before climbing on top of me. He began kissing me again, hard and with all the hunger and desire he possessed as his hands roamed my body, stroking, caressing, lightly scratching and clutching me against him.

He reached down to the top of my garter then grunted before pulling back so he was sitting back on his heels looking down at me, sprawled in front of him hickeys decorating my neck and chest, naked to the waist, panting from the lust running through us both, and then his eyes locked on the growing wet patch on my black lace g string, and the black straps attached to my stockings, before he dived back down to suck more marks onto the skin of my thighs above the stockings. He quickly pulled himself back and pulled me by my ankles to the edge of the bed.

"Up, on your knees, face the wall" as he pulled at my waist to get me up onto all fours facing away from him as he groaned at the sight before him, pulling his boxers off and stroking his hard cock, he reached forward to stroke my butt before pulling the g string to one side, tearing the fragile side and caressing my folds spreading the moisture around and applying perfect friction to my clit. He ducked down and began to run his tongue up and down between my legs licking every inch of me and plunging his tongue deep inside me. I could hear his moans which only heightened the pleasure he was bringing me. 

Eventually it was too much for him and he stood up, parting my legs a little further, feeling the material of my stockings, "If you want me to stop, tell me please" he uttered breathily, still stroking me, before thrusting forward fast and hard into me. I jolted forward with the power of his hips as they smashed into my upper thigh and I felt him intrude deep, deep inside me, bumping pleasurably against my cervix as he filled me up. He was holding tightly to my hips with one hand as leverage as he battered himself into me hard and fast, using the other to reach forward and stroke the skin of my back and my hanging breasts, rolling the nipple between his fingers, sending more shocks of delight through me.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now