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"Whats your favourite scary movie?"

"Whats your favourite scary movie?"

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y/n= your name

Flipping through the pages of the magazine in your hands you groaned leaning your head against the brown couch, "Casey what movies did you rent?" You yell out waiting for the blonde to respond, "nightmare on elm Street and child's play!" Shes exclaims in a hurry holding the jiffy pop above the stove, "did Randy not save the shining?" You ask slightly offended that's her friend didn't save the movie she asked for, "he said it was already taken and he also said that he was sorry so he saved the lost boys for you next week, im starting to thing Mr Randy likes you" Casey joked as you scoffed dropping the magazine, "no way Randy just my friend Casey" you reply standing up as you hear the phone begin to ring. Casey grabs the land-line off the stand and began to talk, "hello?" She said sweetly as you watched "who is this?" The other person on the line asked as Casey giggled softly into the phone "what number are you trying to reach?" She questioned "I dont know" the other line replied "well I think you have the wrong number but it happens, take it easy" she smiles hanging up the phone as you begin to glare towards her "wrong number?" she looks at you and nods begining to walk off before the phone began to buzz again. Casey stops to glare at it before reaching down to pick it up once more "hello?" She asked more annoyed this time only to receive the unidentified caller once more "im sorry, I guess I dialled the wrong number" the raspy voice spoke as I stood beside the lounge confused at their conversation. "Well why'd you ring it again?" Casey utters as the voice scoffs "To apologise" Casey laughs at this comment "well your forgiven bye bye now" she states begining to end the call before being cut off
"Wait, hold on for a second" the caller begged as Casey felt a smirk appear on her lips "pfft they've got 900 numbers for that see ya" she scoffs putting the phone back on the stand and walking away. "What was that about?" You ask as Casey begins to cook to popcorn once more "some jerk off on the phone its nothing" she responded

You sat on the counter top, besides the white phone. Casey had finished making one of the jiffy pop by now and opened up another re-lighting the gas lit stove. You jump as the phone begins to ring again, Casey glares at you as she picks up the white phone "why don't you wanna talk to me?" The caller asked as Casey groaned "who is this?" She mumbled picking up the salt shaker "you tell me your name and I'll tell you mine" they asked as Casey laughed "I don't think so" she replied shaking the popcorn above the stove, "whats that sound?" The caller asked "popcorn" she replied as she handed you the phone "talk to creepy phone guy for me I gotta get get the movie ready" she stated as you gladly took the phone from her hands, "hello?" You asked "you're friend didn't want to talk to me?" The voice asked as you jump off the counter "well I don't really want to ethier because we're about to watch a video so you better make this quick" you respond shaking the popcorn above the stove "are you watching a scary movie?" The caller asked as you scrunched up your nose "why do you ask?" You question leaning up against the counter "they're my favourite, what's you're favourite scary movie?" He questioned as you began to think "hmm Halloween, you know the one with the guy in the white mask who walk around and stalks baby sitters, what's yours?" You question begining to walk to find Casey "guess" he whispered as you waved to Casey who was sitting on the couch, "hm nightmare on elm street" you reply "is that the one where he had knives for fingers?" he questioned as you sat beside Casey "yeah Freddy Kruger" "thats right Freddy, I like that movie it was scary" he states as you gave the phone back to Casey "ill go finish the popcorn really quick then we can watch the movie" you whisper getting up off the couch leaving Casey with the phone. "Hello again" Casey mumbled clearly pissed of by the unknown caller "aw where'd the other girl go I was thinking on asking her out" the boy stated as Casey scoffed running a finger through her blonde hair "well to bad for you she's already reserved for a certain someone at a movie store" Casey responded trying not to give away to many personal details of her friends life. "You never told me you're name" the voice croaked as Casey rolled her eyes "why do you wanna know my name?" She questioned "because I wanna know who I looking at". The sentence chills down her spine, she looked back at you standing up quickly and turning on the porch lights looking out towards her pool observing the area, "what..did you say?" She mumbled re-locking the door of the porch walking over to you fear staining her face. The line stayed silent for a moment "look I gotta go" Casey mumbled "don't hang up on me" the voice responded clearly agitated at her response. Casey put the phone back down on the stand starring back to you, "whats wrong?" You question as she starred back up to you "he gave me the creeps y/n I'm telling you something weird with that guy" she whispered as you looked back down to the rising foil on the popcorn. The phone began to ring again causing you both to stare at the phone, you reached to pick it up as Casey urged you not to. "What do you want?" You groan "to talk" you looked up to Casey and then back to the the popcorn "well call someone else or go beat off into a sock we're not trying to join your werid pervy call group ok?" You respond hanging up on this caller. As you were about to turn off the stove the phone rang again causing Casey to snatch it out of your hands in rage,"listen asshole" she screamed into the phone "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU LITTLE BITCH, YOU HANG UP ON ME AGAIN AND ILL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH UNDERSTAND?" You starred blank faced at Casey in disbelief, "is this some kind of joke" Casey whispered "more of a game, can you handle that Casey?". This caused Casey to run to all the doors locking then faster then ever, starring out the window you ran towards her in shock trying to listen to what the caller was saying, taking the phone out of her hands and putting it on speaker "listen im two seconds away from calling the police so you better stop this sick joke of yours before I do" you yell as Casey looks at you, "oh love, you're in the middle of no where the police won't make it in time" the voice replied as Casey felt the tears begin to stain her flushed cheeks, "what do you want" she managed to croak out "to see what your insides look like". You immediately hung up as you grabbed onto Casey hand trying to comfort her as the door bell goes off, in shock you're eyes darted to the door "WHOS THERE" Casey cried out in stutters as you run to grab the phone dialling the police, though before you could the phone began to ring again. You looked back a Casey who was shaking in fear as you answer the call putting it to your ear "look you've had you're fun just drop it already please you're scary my friend" you yell "or what?" The caller responds as you look to Casey "or else out boyfriends will be here and they'll beat the shit out of you"

A sudden silence struck through the phone

"You don't have a boyfriend"

"Yes I do.." You look towards Casey and decide what to say next, you nearly said it was Randy but you decided not to seem Randy wasn't really... a threat? "His names Billy and he's big and plays football and he'll kick you to shreds" you scream into the phone causing another aching silence to reappear. You were terrified of what he would say next, what if he knew Billy? Then he'd know for a fact that he was dating you're best friend Sidney Prescott.

"Oh? Is that true now?"

"Yes it is now please just leave us alone" you replied preparing to hang up and find any sharp object you could, "looks princess, im not here for you in fact I won't touch you, I'm here for your whore of a friend Casey becker so do me a favour y/n and be a good girl so I can gut your friend"

You stood in shock not knowing what to say, obviously you wernt going to just give into and mindless tricks he was going to attempt to put you through so instead you agreed, though you weren't going going let whoever this was touch you're friend. "Fine"

"Thats my girl, now to keep up this status turn on the porch lights for me sweetie"

You felt Casey grip you sweater, she held onto the back of you sweater as you turned on the porch lights. "Now isn't this a gut cutting experience"

You heard Casey scream into your sweater her tears staining your back, you felt your lips go dry as you looked to the porch seeing Casey's boyfriend Steve tied to a wooden chair gutted. A tear rolling down your cheek you grabbed a hold of one of the kitchen knives "god Steve was such a big and scary football player he had me shaking in my boots" the voice replied. The only thing you could think of at this moment of time was what if Billy was out there too, gutted and strung up on display "you sick fuck, you kill Billy too?" You question "once again darling, I dont think Billy is your boyfriend. Now you better put that knife down because I thought you knew that I wasn't going to hurt you? What's got you frightened sweetheart, it's not you that I'm here for."

The silence stung you as you watched Casey pace around the room in fear, "suprise y/n look behind you"

slowly turning around you felt you body un able to think or speak, you were terrified in fact at this point in time you though that this was going to be you death. Finally turning around you look around noticing something. You starred at it blankly for a moment, "seriously a piece of paper is the best you got, ironic" your whisper reading the note "is see you? What's that supposed to mean?" You question as the paper was ripped on the window revealing the ghost mask. Your body automatically froze in shock before grabbing ahold of the steak knife and dropping the phone. Glass shattering in front of your eyes you held you arms up in front of your face in an attempt to protect yourself. Casey's screams had silented out as you were pushed up against the kitchen counter the ghost mask in front of you. "Casey fucking run" you whispered watching the girl run out to the porch as you attempted to pry the ghost face mask of you. Your eyes darted to the knife that he waved in front of you pressing it up against your cheek, the cold sensation sent shivers down your spine, "sorry doll, but you're gonna be prime suspect if I don't atleats knock you out" the man whispered dragging you towards the glass table, "no no no no, get the fuck off of me" you screamed kicking your legs before biting into his arm. You heard him yelp in pain as you attempted to get back up off the ground only for him to grab you by the waist and swing you back into the glass table.


"I've told you already that's all I remember Dewey please can I just go home" you whispered wiping the tear that fell off your cheek. Bouncing your leg you starred at the clock leaning back into the chair, "are you in any sort of pain?" He questioned looking towards the blood that remained on you're forehead, you shrugged begining to pick at the skin ok your finger tip, "do you remember waking up and finding... Casey?" Dewey questioned as you looked up to face him. "I remember getting up, wiping the blood off my forehead and looking down and my scratched up body, my vision was kind of blurry but I can remember the police standing above me and helping me stand up, they walked me out pass the porch were I saw them prying Casey's body down off the tree" you mumbled pissed off at the fact they were asking you so many questions when the incident had happened one hour ago. Casey was your best friend, she had been since pre school. It was traumatising seeing your best friends guts hanging out of her, it really was. You couldn't stop thinking about the smell of it or the fear that was so distinctive on her face. "Y/n? Y/n are you listening?" Dewey questioned as you looked up, "yeah, yeah totally" you responded as he stood up "well you're free to leave but I just wanna let you know that this isn't going to be the end of it" Dewey whispered as you nodded "I know".

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