Chapter nineteen

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I hate the way I dont hate you

I hate the way I dont hate you

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You knew it was most likely a stupid idea but Billy was so determined to let you live a normal life even if it put them at risk. Running your finger through your hair the water ran down your back, you sighed before rubbing your eyes and turning off the tap. Grabbing a towel you wiped the steam off the mirror, "y/n your bags are in the car were leaving in ten" Stu tapped on the door causing you to jump slightly jump "yeah I'll be out soon" you respond quickly pulling your hair up into a pony tail. Once you had changed you rushed down stairs to the two, "ready?" Billy questioned as you nodded "can someone sit in the back though so I'm not alone for the entire trip?" You glared at the two as Stu shrugged "im fine with driving seeming Billy did last time" he offered while Billy's attention turned back to you, "really?" He questioned as Stu nods awkwardly grabbing the keys, "yup, well let's get going because we're gonna be stuck in a police station for the next five hours"  Stu states as Billy smiles lightly "right ok let's go".

Billy's car was well kept, he didn't like it to be or look trashy, that was important to him. Sitting down onto the brown leather seats you looked over to Billy who sat beside you, "this is going to be a long ass trip isn't it" you whispered while Billy laughed  "you were asleep most the time last time so yeah" he responds with a smile as you rolled you eyes leaning back into the seat while Stu looked back at the two of you "family bonding" he winked as you laughed.

Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days, your had been driving for two hours so far you and Billy had been talking about werid memories and moments you had mearily forgotten. "Shall we stop for lunch?" Stu cooes from the front seat as you  excitedly grip onto the seat in front of you "hell yes i need out of this car" you cooed as Billy gave you a glare "go through the drive thru though, we'll find a park with not many people so people don't see how fucked up y/n is" you nodded awkwardly but you knew he was right, your face was on every channel in California, I mean if you looked like the girl on TV and you were beaten up people probably would get suspicious.

The wind was cold, it had been awhile since you had been able to be outside so it was nice having the fresh air on your skin. Your arm was still stiff and painful but you knew it was only going to get worse seeming Billy and stu would have to make it look like you've been stuck somewhere for awhile, "wait so what are we going to say happened? We ran away or we were stuck in his crazy basement" you questioned as Billy bit into the burger, you sat on the grass while Stu and Billy exchanged a glance "ok we need to get on onto this  anyway for when we're questioned so, we're going to say he told us to run away and that we've been camping out close by the house, we'll set the camp up once we get there" he states taking a chip out of your bag causing you to whack his hand, "then Billy will have to say bye bye too his car" stu sarcastically frowns "no, we'll take the fuel out and say we ran out of fuel" Billy adds as you nervously rolled your shoulders back "I dont think this is a great idea guys, I mean what if our stories don't match up or if they can tell out 'camp' hasn't been there that long?" You questioned taking a bite out of the burger you had ordered, "the rest of the ride we'll talk about our plan, y/n I'm sorry but I'm going to have to rip your stitches out" Billy continues as you look in shock "and me and Stu are going to have to stab eachother yknow gotta make it look realistic" you glare at Billy confused at what he said as Stus continues to silently eat, "well won't they know the cuts are fresh? And my cuts are starting to heal this will just make it worse" you cried as Billy groaned rubbing his head "fuck, this is going to be harder than I thought"

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