Chapter sixteen

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a killer has its motives

It had been two days, two long days

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It had been two days, two long days. Billy had watched your every move for theses two days, starring at you from a far he watched the way you laughed besides Stu the movie playing softly in the background. You had gotten closer to Stu, maybe more close than you were to Billy, he thought about it alot practically all the time in fact. Twirling the knife that he had shoved into the wooden table, he bit down onto his lip, Stu and him had planned to share you equally though at this moment of time it wasn't equal, Stu had you all to himself. This made him worry, what had you done? What did you do when you were alone?

You got up off the leather couch letting out a hand for Stu to take, he smiled taking the hand. You guided him to his room, this had become pretty common for the two if you in the past two days, it was surprising how close you got within two days but you didn't mind it. In his room you spent your time watching movies and laughing until you had no breath left, though yesterday something different had happened. You had kissed Billy before multiple times but not Stu, he seemed more affectionate so it was fairly surprising when you ended you night kissing him. You shut the door falling onto his bed as he turned on the small TV, "I got you the shining" he cooed falling down beside you, you turned onto your side smiling at him. You had to admit you still were in pain from the cuts and bruises along you body and ever so often you would remember bits and pieces of the night that changed your life but you tried to pry yourself away from thoes thoughts, you wanted to just forget about it all. You admired his smile, the way when he laughed dimples would appear on his cheeks, "what are you starring at" he whispered looking at you as the screams of the movie muffled in the background. "Nothing" you cooed a smile appearing on your lips, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder kissing your forehead. He liked the way his life was, even if he only had you and Billy, he actually preferred it that way. Just You, Billy and him, it was nice only having to worry about them, even though his parents weren't really there for him is woodsboro he still had to worry about them, as well as his other friends and his popularity so he enjoyed the peace.

Keeping your eyes on the movie you couldn't help giving a glace over to Stu, you ran a finger down his sweater causing him to glance over to you. He placed a hand onto your leg rubbing his finger gently against the skin, you adjusted your body so your cast was sat firmly on the soft mattress, you bit onto your lip before putting your hand onto his. Your heart pounded the red tint appearing on your cheeks, you sat up awkwardly looking down at him. You leaned into his lips, he quickly moved your casted arm to the side making sure not to hurt you, placing a hand on your waist he placed you onto his lap. A smirk appearing on his lips he pulled you down by your shirt kissing you softly. "This is my favourite part of the movie" you mumbled between each kiss, he pulled away from you giving you a confused glare "the bloody elevator is your favourite part?" He questioned as you rolled your eyes falling off of him and back onto the bed, "no dumbass the kiss" you state in response as his eye brows raised "oh why thank you" he smiled to himself.


Billy was lost in thought, pressing each key softly, the creaking of the floor boards caught his attention hearing the slight bang of a door clothing. You crept down the hallway notcing the half opened door to Billy's room, attempting not to wake him. "Y/n?" The voice called as your eyes swung towards the door, you stepped into the room looking to the boy on the computer, you weren't surprised that he was typing away at the computer per usual. "Billy" you whispered sitting onto the bed, he gave you a soft smile before leaning into his chair "how are you" you questioned as he look up to you, "good" he mumbled as you looked away awkwardly glaring around the room, "why aren't you with Stu" he whispered harshly, the jealous tone rang through your ears, was Billy Loomis jealous you weren't paying time with him?  "Why do you ask?" he stands up off the chair slowly pacing around the room, "because y/n, you haven't talked to me in two days and it's driving me insane I mean I killed for you" he practically yelled his jaw tensing. You blinked quickly before looking back up to him, he moved closer to you before crouching in front of you. The hair swaying over his eyes, the glimmer in his smirk made you question what he was about to do next "ive always wondered is Stu a better kisser than me?" He whispered as you let out a laugh hitting his shoulder "yeah totally" you joked as his eyebrows raised giving you a surprised look. He quickly raised a hand to your jaw quickly leaning into your lips, you were shocked until he pulled away with a smile "so whos better"  he asked while you starred at his beamful eyes, "you" you whispered not wanting to upset him even though it was pretty much equal, he smiled moving your hair behind your ear, "you should go to bed" he states standing up allowing you to walk to the door. As you were about to exit you felt his hand grip into your wrist "one more thing" he pulled you into him pressing his lips onto yours before pulling away and pushing you out the door "sleep well baby" he cooed slightly shutting the door before practically punching the air in joy.

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