Chapter twelve

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I could never hurt you.

Falling to your knees you place your hand on Sidney's back,"Sid" you whispered tears filling your eyes, she was still breathing

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Falling to your knees you place your hand on Sidney's back,"Sid" you whispered tears filling your eyes, she was still breathing.
You turned her onto her back tappng her cheek "Sidney wake up please" you mumbled shaking her body with the only hand you had. You gasp seeing her eyes open widely, she grasped onto your shoulder her breath hitched and stumbling. "T-Tatums dead we need to get out of here" you heard her cry as your eyes shot open, Tatum was dead? "We need to find Randy" you stumbled on your words as Sidney ran her fingers through your hair, "I'll find Dewey you go inside" Sidney stuttered out attempting to get off the ground. You could tell she had been stabbed maybe once or twice by the rips in her shirt and the Crimson blood. "Stay safe" you responded realising how stupid the idea was, you stood up grunting in pain your knees bruised and bloody, you watched Sidney hold her gut running towards Deweys car. Limping your way to the front door, you cried practically crawling up the steps. You sat there for a moment, tears falling down you cold cheeks, the pain was unbelievable and unbearable. Grabbing the door knob you used the strength you had to pull your body up, "Y/N!" Randy screamed to you running onto the porch as you scanned the ground before picking up the gun beside you. You opened the door pointing the gun towards Randy, you had to make sure he wasnt this psychopathic idiot. "Woah, y/n it's just me put the gun down alright... I gotta tell you something" he cried out and you put the gun down, "look I just found Tatum man, she's dead...she's been killed. I think stu did it."

The words hit you like a train, your brain couldn't comprehend what you had just been told, "Stu?" You whispered back your hand shaking "babe, you know I wouldn't ever do that" your eyes shot up to meet Stu's, oh fuck.

You pulled up the gun once more pointing it at both of them. Stu hopped up the steps holding out his hands out to you, "hes lying!" Stu added as your eyes moved towards Randy's "he killed Tatum and Billy i swear believe me" he cried out as you backed away. "Dont fucking move ethier of you!" your finger hovering over the trigger of the gun, Stu refused listen practically pleading he fell to his knees crawling towards you.

You thought about it for a second before sighing "im sorry for this in the long run, I love you both but fuck you both" you screamed slamming the door shut locking it as the to screamed and began banging on the door.

Sliding down the door you ran your fingers through your hair, with a groan you look down to your hand. The nail was still hanging off only stuck on by a chunk. You bit your lip before thinking about it. You couldn't use your other hand to pull it off seeing it was twisted and broken so your only option was to bite it off.

"Shit" you hissed biting onto the nail before ripping it off with your teeth. You howled in pain spitting out the nail as your finger began to pound and throb, "FUCK" you screamed crying out your remaining breaths. Your swallowed the remaining fears you had before hearing the thud from upstairs. Your eyes focused on the staircase only to see Billy cluching his wasit in pain. He was blood soaked and clearly in alot of pain. He gripped onto the rail before slipping down the stairs making him growl in pain, "Billy? Holy crap I thought you were dead" you cried pushing yourself up. You stumbled as he stood up from the stairs to catch you in his arms, he grunted as you clung onto his shirt. You were confused on why he smelt of syrup but you nudged it off  glad that he was even alive, "im alright.. what about you?" He questioned before looking down to your body "fuck sake did you break your arm" he whispered as he began to walk to the door, "I fell out of a window" you mumbled as he fumbled with the lock "we gotta.. we gotta get out of here" crying out his words before looking down to your other arm, "y/n... Give me the gun"

Without a doubt in your mind you handed him the gun, he looked at your swollen finger and then back up to your shaken face "oh little darling c'mere" he gave you a comforting smile hugging you tightly before lifting your head up. He leaned in kissing you harshly a single tear escaping his eye. You were shocked by the kiss but even more shocked when he opened the door causing Randy to slip into the house quickly. He moved around frantically as Billy stood at the door starring into a void of his own. "Stus Flipping out man, he's gone mad" he cried out as you attempted to calm him down  grabbing onto his hand. You wanted to apologise for shutting the door on him but the moment was to small.

"We all go a little mad sometimes~"

Billy turned aiming the gun between Randy's ribs pulling you out the way before he pressed down on the trigger. You screamed watching Randy fly back against the wall. You ran to Randy hugging his cold body, "Anthony Perkins, psyco" he smirked his teeth sparkling. He smiled back to you innocently as you began to back away hesitantly, Billy walked I over to you pulling you back into his arms. He ran a finger down his blood stained shirt before placing the liquid on his lips and pulling you into a kiss. You expected the copper irony taste but it was sweet just like how he smelt "corn syrup and food dye" he smiled, "same stuff they used for pigs blood and carrie"

You tryed to escape his grip, how was Billy the killer? Who stabbed him then? Why was Billy doing this? So many questions flooded through your mind feeling Billy move his hand up to your hips "why so quiet darling" he kissed you neck. If he wasn't a stone called killer and if there wasn't a body in front of you right now you would probably fall for this guy in a heart beat but there was a body in front of you and he was a psychopath.

Your eyes moved towards the kitchen hearing the shoes glide across the tiles. Ignoring the pain in your arms you frantically pushed your body out of Billy's arms. "Stu!" You screamed running into the boys arms as he wrapped a hand around your waist. He didn't have his red robe on anymore but instead a cardigan, "we gotta go!" You cried out gripping into his cardigan and Billy smiled at the two of you.

You felt Stus arm reach into his pocket pulling out a white box and raising it to his lips, "suprise y/n".

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