Chapter Three

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Present time

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Present time

Nine o'clock rolled around fast, your aunt was on a night shift at the hospital leaving you with your microwave meal alone all night. You had to admit that you were sort of traumatised from what happened, ever so often you'd stare at the locks on the door praying they were still locked though you knew the door being locked would've done nothing specially seeming last time he practically walked through the glass. You were sat on the couch holding as pillow to your chest as you flicked through the endless channels, twirling the heart locket into hands you felt the tears begin to fall again. This had become a recurring thing to you, crying out of the blue, thinking of Casey and even imagining the mask you'd seen earlier. starring at the show that had been playing you seemed so distracted you refused to get up and take your meal out of the beeping microwave. Twisting your h/c hair in your hands you were soon to realise the microwave had stopped beeping. Getting up off the couch you walked into the kitchen seeing the microwave door open, you stopped in you tracks turning your head to see the steaming food placed perfecting on the counter besides a fork. "What the fuck" you whispered shutting the microwave trying to think of any possible outcome, you eyes darted around the room and then to the now ringing phone. Your heart sunk to your stomach as you creeped towards the phone. Taking the wireless phone of the stand you place it to your ear "hello y/n" the memories flashed through your mind as you remembered each particular moment of that traumatising night. "Please leave me alone"

"don't break my heart y/n, starting to think you don't like me, now what's your favourite scary movie again?" The voice asked as you wondered into the kitchen grabbing a steak knife "you already forgot? Its Halloween, now you here to finish your job or something?" You asked gliding the knife across the counter "that's a lovely shirt you have there" he responded avoiding your question, "so, you going to tell me why you're here or are you trying to play cat and mouse again?" you asked hesitantly walking out of your kitchen to look out of the window into you neighbourhood. Slowly unlocking the door you jumped at the screaming over the phone "YOU OPEN THAT DOOR AND ILL STRING YOU UP LIKE CASEY BECKER" he screamed as you backed up slowly covering you mouth with your hand as a tear streamed down your cheek "don't cry now love I'm not going to hurt you" the voice added as your heart began to pump rapidly "isn't that the whole point? Killing me, stringing me up like Casey Becker?" You questioned looking around the room for any sign of the man, "that was just a warning, I mean I could never truly hurt you baby" they replied as you laughed "seriously? You nearly killed me already" you practically screamed gulping down the lump in your throat, "ok sure that was a mistake on my part but you're going be my famous little final girl I mean every horror movie has one, but you'd know that right y/n?" A final girl, the girl at the end of the movie traumatised after seeing all her friends tragically murdered, honestly you didn't know what was worse, dying or being the final girl. "Now for some fun, lets play a game. Question one, where am I? The voiced questioned as you're eyes scanned to room, biting your lip you listened to the creaking floorboards, "you're inside" you whispered starring at your kitchen pantry. Your could see the black fabric just so ever slightly under the door, "pantry... You're in the pantry" You yelled as you watched the knob turn slowly, "ding, ding, DING" he screamed jumping out of the closet. Without a thought you dropped the phone in a hurry running towards your front door, scrambling to find the key you looked behind you to see the figure turn its head to the side and lift up a pair of keys. Your heart dropped realising you were cornered, "fuck it" you whispered preparing yourself for what could be your death. Running as fast as you could you attempted to run through the small gap between him and the wall, in shock you successfully had passed him causing you to laugh slightly. With the adrenaline running through your veins you grabbed the closest thing to you pushing it in front of him causing him to grunt, though it wasn't long until you felt a gloved like hand wrap around your arm pulling you to the floor. Letting out a loud scream you frantically kicked your legs and arms, the gloved hand wrapped itself around your mouth while the our hand put the finger to the mouth of the mask. Gliding the knife down your skin you felt the cold tears dripping own your face, pants escaping your mouth you looked up to the mask "please don't hurt me" you whispered as you let out a grunt feeling the knife cut into your cheek, screaming you kicked your legs trying to pry him off. The mask starred down at you getting off your body and running away, panting you sat up leaning against a wall hugging your legs with tears in your eyes. You heard a fairly loud grunt upstairs and heard footsteps running down the stairs, your body straightened having a fight or flight moment before you heard the familiar voice "Y/n? I heard screaming are you in here?" you ran to the voice "BILLY" you screamed running into his arms as he placed a hand to your head "Jesus Christ your bleeding, what happened?" Billy questioned as you cried into his chest "he's in the house, he was here, he tried to kill me" you screamed frantically/ He hugged you tighter before tilting your jaw to admire the open wound "god I'm going to fucking murder him" Billy ushed as you looked up at him "what do you mean by that?" you asked awkwardly as Billy retraced what he said "whoever this psycho is ill kill them myself for putting you through this shit" he responded as you starred into his eyes. He was always so attractive, you never admitted it though seeming he was Sidney's boyfriend but you couldn't lie his jawline sure was something. As you were about to reply you heard a loud bang. Looking down to the floor you saw the black mobile phone sat on your wood floor.

You slowly peeled yourself out of billy's arms starring up at him as he raised his arms in defensive. you slowly backed up walking backwards toward the door in slight fear "what's the matter love?" He questioned a smirk staining his face as you bit your lip, "What did you say?" you mumbled gulping the thick feeling in your throat. You watched Billy's expression fade as you turned around darting to the door avoid all of the fallen objects. "Y/n its not safe down there, get back here!" he called for you though you ignored him. You didn't want to believe he was capable of murdering your friend and nearly you, you didn't think billy could ever do such a thing in fact you know he wouldn't do such a thing but just in case you were wrong booking it was your next best option.

jumping over the fallen book shelf you had used to fight off your attacker, you ran to the wooden door frantically looking for the fallen keys the masked killer had dropped. After finding the keys you quickly unlocked the door getting on your tiptoes to reach the top lock. As the door swung open you were met with fear once gain seeing the white mask, your stomach twisted as you felt the need to puke before seeing Dewey drop the mask in a hurry. You fell onto the porch, your heart frantically beating, tears staining your freckled cheeks. "he's inside" you whispered stuttering out the words, your voice raspy from the constant screaming and fear. You watched the officers storm into your house guns in hands.

You were quickly placed in the back of an ambulance, legs dangling as you sat on in the van. You watched the street slowly fill up with police, news reporters and people watching the commotion. There was a shock blanket wrapped around you tightly, watching the police walk out of the house with billy in there arms, your heart saddened. You couldn't believe it was Billy, he had too just have been there at the wrong time right? Billy was you best friend, you know you'd love him forever. You were just so tired though, you were so tired in fact you couldn't even move. Watching Billy scream out to you as they put him into the back of the car, you blinked away the tears the lights of camera flashing at you honestly made you kind of wish he had just cut you loose in that house.

You were so tired of fighting.

You soon noticed Tatum running up to you wrapping her arms around you in a cold embrace. "You're aunt wants you staying with me tonight, alright?" she stated pushing the hair out of your face as you nodded. Dewey appeared soon after Tatum had come to see you, "Tatum what are you doing here he asked sternly as Tatum rolled her eyes at her brother comment, Y/n is staying with us tonight, got it?" she stated as he turned to her "does mum and dad know about this?" he continued to question her as Tatum groaned "yes Dewey" she replied to her brother comment.

And with that you were sat in the back of the Riley's car starring out the window.

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