Chapter eleven

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If I die tonight, imma make it look pretty

Eyes darting to the door your stomach drops seeing the familiar mask

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Eyes darting to the door your stomach drops seeing the familiar mask. Un-able to move you watch Billy's expression change into confusion, "y/n? What's wrong" he asked as you stood up grabbing his wrist quickly you heart pounding in pain as Billy turns around seeing the white mask "stay the fuck back!" He screamed standing in front of you.

Your heart raced as Billy's hand grasped yours tightly screaming at the masked figure, Billy pushed the killer back into the door before grunting in pain. "BILLY" you cried out watching the knife being pulled out of his gut. Letting go of your hand the fresh ripping sound ached through your ears as the knife stabbed into him multiple times the thick liquid pouring down his white shirt. A clump formed in your mouth, eyes stuck starring at Billys body laid on the floor. You looked down to the shirt you wore seeing your best friends blood splattered all over you, "stay back you psychotic cunt" you stuttered out your stomach swirling from the mixture of lust and alcohol. The masked figure wiped off the blood on the knife before pointing the blade in your direction.  Eyes darting around the room you ran into the corner as the masked figure ran towards you causing you to jump onto the bed. You felt the leather gloves grab you by the waist, kicking your legs you screamed at the top of your lungs, "STU! STU" you cried out feeling the arms drop you giving you enough time to dart out the room. You paced the stairs your head pounding with thoughts, you had no idea what to do but decided your best option was to get out of the house.

Thankfully at the end of the hall you saw a half opened door. Your breath already slowing down you used the last bit of energy to push yourself down the end of the hallway.  You fell into the room slamming the door shut and turning the lock, putting your ear to the door hesitantly you attempted to hear any movement. You realised it would be too hard to hear anything from outside anyway seeming the radio was pumping with music so you stood up turning on the light switch to examine the room. You stumbled before noticing you were in Stu's bedroom, you admired the room quickly taking every small detail in to notice. You checked around the room praying Stu had any sort of weapon laying around but to your luck there was nothing.

You jumped hearing a pounding on the door before your eyes darted around the room once more, you looked to the ceiling seeing the trap door "thank fuck" you mumbled jumping to reach the sting to pull down the ladder. Quickly your wobbly legs hurried up the ladder. The attic was dark, though it was filled with boxes and useless things like any other attic was so you didn't think much of it. Before you knew it the door swung open making you rush towards the only possible way out. The window.

Using your body strength you kicked the window multiple times before the glass thankfully shattered, "shit" you whispered starring down at the fall, you were going to die ethier way tonight so may as try. Kicking your leg over the window you grunt in pain the remaining glass slicing into your arm, your head snapped towards the ladder seeing the masked figure pop up from the hole. Holy fuck, this was your only chance to get out.

You were practically clinging onto the window as you swung your other leg over holding onto the bricks for support. The air was pure and cold, you felt the urge to puke out your emotions but you couldn't do that at this moment seeming you were hanging from a house window. You looked up in terror seeing the ghost face mask look down at you. You were trying insanely hard to hang on but you had barley any strength to hold on any longer.

The leather hand clasps itself around you wrist causing you to scream, your legs kicking in the air your other hand found itself sliding off the last bit of brick you could hold. The leather hand attempted to pry you up, you were confused on why he didn't just drop your hand at this moment of time and let you fall to your forsaken death, you inhaled sharply as the other gloved hand wraps itself around your other hand "for fuck sake jesus christ fucking shit"  The voice was lezz raspy than the one you heard over the phone, in fact something about it seemed so familiar. You watched in etheir fear as the masked figure attempted to pull you up to safety.

You finally found a way to wrap your hand on the window but you winced in pain realising the glass shard had gone into your hand, the grip of your wrist only got stronger as the tears flooded out your eyes the pain swelling in your body, "for your sake please dont let go" the voice mumbled as your other hand managed to get onto the window. Now being close enough to reach the figure attempted to pull you up by grabbing you waist.

That didn't go to plan though, your nail leaned up against the brick all your pressure being put onto this one area causing you to let out a large scream.
Blood spilling quickly across the window, tears swelling in you eyes the pain wrapped itself around you body causing you to let go of the window in a frantic cry. Your nail dangling off your finger, the pain was sharp and damaging. You fell backwards from the window, the white mask watching you "Y/N! FUCK" the voice cried out as the wind piled on your body pushing you further down to the floor.

You hit the dirt with a loud thud, your vision was blurry and you felt too dizzy to even move. This was a feeling you had never felt before, you were unable to move but this time it was because of pain spreading itself across your body into every small area. The breath was practically knocked out of your lungs, your arm was twisted uncomfortably  stuck in the position, you groaned starring stars above you.

You finally found the courage to turn over, you cried in pain attempting to stand up on you bruised and swollen body. Letting out another cry of pain you starred down to your arm, the bone poking out ever so slightly under you skin. Gulping the air that surrounded you, you looked towards door of the house. Taking in your surroundings you turned to your side noticing the red liquid you had gotten so used to.

You knew you probably shouldn't go look at it but you couldn't find the will to resist. Walking over to the side of the house you starred at the blood that was splattered across the green grass. With the hand that wasn't inverted you raised it to your mouth as you saw the baggy jeans. Walking slightly closer you noticed thw brown hair.


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