Chapter twentynine

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Mr Loverman

 You woke up unable to feel your body, your eyes slowly adjusted to the light as you stared at the boy sat on your bed, "why can't I feel anything" you whispered feeling slightly sick, "your really drugged out, you just came out of surgery I was w...

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You woke up unable to feel your body, your eyes slowly adjusted to the light as you stared at the boy sat on your bed, "why can't I feel anything" you whispered feeling slightly sick, "your really drugged out, you just came out of surgery I was waiting for you to wake up. Y/n, you were stabbed thirteen  times it's a miracle that your goddamn alive" your eyes widened as you slightly gasped staring into Billy's eyes, looking down at your body you looked back up to Billy, "can I see what I look like" you questioned as he gave you a light smile before nodding getting off the bed closing the curtain around your bed. "They said they wouldn't come in again, seeming it's nearly midnight so no ones going to walk in on you changing"  he states before walking up to you pulling the blanket off your body. "My fucking hands broken again" you groaned lightly looking at your hand and then back down to your blue gown, "I dont think I can get up" you whispered while Billy nods slightly pulling up your gown up to your mid waist just enough that you could see the stitches, five wounds across your stomach and three on your lower thigh, "I thought you said there were thirteen?" You looked up to him as he lightly pulled down the gown attempting to avoid hurting you, "yeah there's five on your back as well" he whispered before sighing "y/n what happened yesterday night?" Your eyes shot open, "yesterday? How long have I been out for" you practically screamed while he bit his lip awkwardly "from when you were attacked to now, look this may sound stupid but you should probably get some rest, the drugs they gave you ate going to make you extra tired" he adds while you glanced around the room then to the cords that wee attached to your body, "yeah maybe your right" you whispered giving him a slight smile as he leans into you kissing your lips lightly, "im going to sleep right here, just wake me up if you need anything" Billy rubs your hand softly before walking towards the couch beside the bed and Collapsing onto it. You were so high but you were just glad you couldn't feel anything, you were scared to close your eyes again, after what happened this was probably probably the worse attack you'd ever had...even worse then the originals. Though you were now going to have some sick scars.

Short chapter because this book is sadly coming to an end soon :( but the ending is different aka new killer so any predictions? Also let me know if you'd guys want another book of some sort may it be scream or something like euphoria. I'm down for any suggestions, I was thinking of doing a Tara x Amber but  what do you guys want?

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