Chapter six

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but I could tell that something had changed, how you looked at me now.

"I just want to remind everyone that we have a candle light vigil tonight after sunset for Casey and Steve

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"I just want to remind everyone that we have a candle light vigil tonight after sunset for Casey and Steve. It'd mean a lot if you all came" You state biting the skin off your nail starring down to your history class, "thank you y/n, you may be seated" your teacher states as you sit down in your chair. Starring at the empty seat next to you, you remembered the times when it wasn't empty. When if was full of light and happiness. Being cut off your thoughts you look over to the side of you where a scrunched up piece of paper had been thrown at you, un ravelling the paper you looked to your side seeing Stacey. She was a girl who was in most of your classes, you never really talked but she seemed nice enough and minded her own business. 'Where's the vigil held? the paper read as you smiled at her grabbing a pen out of your pencil case, you wrote the location of the vigil on the sheet chucking it back at the brunette as she gave you an adoring smile.

Not to long after the bell had rang causing the class to stand up in a hurry packing up there things, it was only third period so you were expecting to be going to your next class until the intercom came on, "students must return to their homes as the school will be shutting down while the investigation of Casey Becker's death continues" you sighed in relief at this message, to be honest you didn't exactly know why they were shutting the school down as it didn't have any responsibility for Casey's death . Teens scrambled out of the class screaming in joy from the sudden news, you walked out towards the fountain catching your eye on Billy who stood alone in the distance. You quickly glanced at Sidney and Tatum before sneaking towards Billy.

"Psst" you whisper watching him place a cigarette in his mouth, standing behind the bush you groaned looking beside you starring at the pebbles. Picking one up your threw it at him as he swung around in confusion "what the- oh shit. Y/n hey" he smiled walking towards you, he crouched beside you as you laughed "the fuck are you doing in a bush?" he questioned as you pointed to your group along the other side of the campus, "why exactly are you hiding from them? "he asked as you gave him a confused look, "I though Sidney and Tatum were like pissed at you so I didn't want to piss them off by talking to you" you grumbled as he wiped the dirt of your jeans. You began smiling at each other for no real reason but it felt right, "how's your day been going? "he questioned "well no ones died" you stated as he laughed looking down at the dirt, "yeah, I guess your right" he responded as you looked around the school, "how do you do it?" you heard him mutter as you let out an awkward laugh, ï don't think I follow "you announced. "How do just pretend your ok" he whispered playing with your shoe lace, "I don't pretend", I'm fine why is everyone being like so dramatic" you whispered as he sighed ill see you tonight" he replied his lips so close to yours you can smell the tint of cigarettes and strawberry warheads, "right" you whispered as you starred as his lips for a split second before he stood up walking away. What the fuck just happened.

Walking over to your friends you noticed Tatum hitting Stu, "why is everything you say just stupid" she groaned as he handed her a yellow flower, "oh c'mon babe it was funny" he cooed picking her up as Sidney gave you a soft smile, "What's up Sid?" you questioned at her sad expression, "I saw that fucking creep in the bathrooms school" she whispered as Tatum sighed "Sid it was probably just some doosh in a costume relax" she stated as she looked at you, "no, no it was definitely him. There was just something about him so obviously psychotic" she cried as you hugged her putting a piece of her straight brown hair behind her ear, "I'm sorry Sid, that must've been horrible" you responded as Stu looked at the two of you, "well seeming Halloweens down the corner, party at mine" he cooed excitedly as you glared at him, "are you sure that's a good idea? I mean our schools shut because of theses murders" you responded a Stu frowned "aw c'mon y/n it'll be like therapeutic for you and we can watch any movie you'd like" he smiled as you paused. You thought about it for a moment, maybe a party wasn't so bad "ok but only because I wanna get my mind off all this bullshit" you mumbled as he placed Tatum delicately on the ground only to pick you up, you scream as he spun you in the air, "Stu you shit head put me down" you screamed as he laughed "you wish" he laughed beginning to run.

There was an hour before you had to be at the vigil, searching through your closet you spotted the black dress, not only did it suite the place you were going to but you had actually bought this dress with Tatum so it felt only right to wear it. Pulling on the dress you styled you hair in a up-do look, deciding what scent of perfume to wear you heard a bang beside your bed, with a squeal you jump noticing Billy, "Jesus Christ Billy, you could at least give me a warning" you stated chucking a towel at him, I'm sorry I just saw that your window was open and thought why not" he states as you look down to his attire "very much Addams family" you laughed as he smirked you know it" he joked as you looked back into you mirror, "do I look ok?" you questioned as he gave you a stunned look, are you serious? You look hot you dumbass" you were stunned at his words but shook it off, "ok well you need to get out of here my aunts going to come up any second" you state "make me"he responds as you roll your eyes chucking a makeup brush at him, "get out" you gave him a serious look as you raised his hands in defensive "ok, ok geez".

next chapter will most likely be a filler chapter as it will be of the vigil xox

next chapter should be out today or tomorrow stay tuned and leave your comments I love reading them lmfao.

oh and what if I made a book where Sidney's the killer or like a scream book

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