Chapter seven

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please let me go

You stood in front of the microphone stand, pictures of Casey and Steve surrounded you along with flowers and gifts

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You stood in front of the microphone stand, pictures of Casey and Steve surrounded you along with flowers and gifts. "I remember when I had first met Casey, she was sweet, funny and so caring. She knew how nervous I was about starting year 9 and she was just so kind and" You began to tear up as you starred at the crowd that surrounded you. You looked over to Tatum who quickly grabbed the microphone off you as you walked over to Stu causing him to wrap his arms around you letting you cry into his chest.

You didn't like showing your emotions to anyone, specially a crowd of people you barley knew. "Just start lighting the candles" You mumbled as Sidney nodded grabbing a lighter and lighting her candle walking into the crowd beginning to light everyone's candle. You quickly got out of Stu's arms giving him a smile before walking back onto the stage. Tatum hugged you before handing you the microphone, "thank you all for coming tonight, Casey and Steve would've really appreciated this. I would also like to thank the community and the school for putting this together tonight" you state as the crowd cheers, "now may we take a moment of silence to remeber Casey and Steve" you say turning towards the side nodding to Billy who let go of the rope letting the poster fall down slowly. The crowd goes silent and you turned to look back at them with a smile, suddenly you felt a warn substance hit your body, looking down to your now drenched body you see a thick, red liquid.

Screams filled your ears as you starred upwards in shock, gallons of what you prayed was fake blood had been poured all other the stage, Billy swiftly ran to you pulling you away from the stage as the crowd slowly disappeared. Security and police ran onto the stage looking at the scene, you felt Billy wipe his finger over your drenched arm putting the red substance into his mouth. "Billy-"
"Its cornsyrup and red food dye" he groans looking over to the teenagers who sat in a bush laughing at the scene, "oh thoes fucking shitheads" he muttered jumping off the stage running towards them.

"Y/n, I think its best you head home tonight. I'm sorry this had happened, the vigil was beautiful" one of the officers said to you, you just nodded before feeling someone grab your hand. "Oh sweetie" your aunt sighed wiping the tear off your cheek as you gave a light smile, "I should've known something like this would happen" you whispered as she grabbed your bag, "come on, let's head home and get you washed off" she whispered.

Walking into your bedroom you chucked your bag to the ground, you felt horrible. It wasn't the fact your were covered in cornsyrup but instead the fact your best friends vigil had been ruined because of some dumb teenagers. You peeled off the sticky clothes running into the laundry chucking them in the washer, "your bruises are healing up well" your aunt states as you sighed "thankfully they are" you respond as she laughed "you're so brave y/n really" she smiled as you crept back into the hallway, "im going to shower then probably go to bed so goodnight" you yell out to her "Goodnight!" She responds as you opened the door to your bed room.

You enter the room walking into the bathroom before hearing the familiar crash, "fuck" you whispered slowly. Grabbing a towel you walk into the main area of your bedroom, "Stu?" You questioned confused thinking Billy would've been the cause of the crash, "im kind of in the middle of showering right now so..." You whispered awkwardly as Stu stood in shock quickly covering his eyes, "yup ok I'm sorry ok im yeah uh" Stu stuttered out as you laughed, "y/n? Are you ok I heard a thud"  your eyes darted to the opening door, without another thought you grabbed stu running to the bathroom turning on the shower covering his mouth. "Yeah im fine!" You yelled back in response hearing your aunt begin to open the bathroom door, "shit" you whispered before pushing stu into the shower with you closing the curtain. You placed your hand on his mouth as he stood as still as he could, "I bought you more shampoo so I'll just leave it on your sink" she states walking into the bathroom. You glared at Stu who was stood insanely awkwardly trying to look in every other direction that wasn't of you, "ok goodnight sweetie" You aunt added as you sigh "goodnight" you responded as she walked out of the bathroom.

Letting your hand fall from Stu's mouth you glared at him, "what the hell are you doing here, you almost got us both killed" you asked as he hesitantly looked down to your body, "my eyes are up here dumbo" you smacked his head lightly as he raised his hand in defense, "im sorry I just- I knew you were home and I kinda need to stay at someone's house tonight" he told you as he turned off the shower handing you a towel to cover yourself, "what why, did your parents do something?" You asked as he sighed "yeah um they told me to leave for the night cause they didn't want to see me" he whispered as you sighed getting out of the shower, "im sorry Stu, you can stay here but just for the night. Do you have a change of clothes?" You questioned starring at his drenched sweater, "oh yeah I do" he replied as you nodded, "ok um you can get changed in here while i change in my room" you stated walking out of the bathroom chucking the bag he had bought towards him.

You never really thought you were the first person Stu would've gone to for something like this seeming you knew for sure that Tatum would've let him stay over in a heart beat, but then yet again she did say they wernt doing to good. Putting on the t-shirt you laid down in your bed as Stu knocked on the bathroom door, "you can come in" you yell watching the door open, Stu wore a plain white shirt and black sweat pants which suited him quite well actually. "Where do you want me to sleep?" He asked as you laughed "dont my silly, you can sleep on my bed it's fine" you state as he nodded awkwardly laying beside you. "Tatum and I broke up" he states as you looked at him confused "wait what?" You asked as he laughed "yeah, don't worry about it though it was totally my idea so Im like fine" he added as you began to think  of Tatum and how she may feel, "dont worry about Tatum ethier, she's fine actually I think she'd rather just have one night stands" he continued as you nodded awkwardly "I thought you guys were like adorable together" you whispered as he shook his head "god no, we wernt adorable in any way what so ever" he laughed as you gave an awkward smile turning off the lighr besides you, "goodnight Stu" you whispered as he sighed "night".

Ok I don't know if I'm wrighting Stu out properly like I feel like he would be the sarcastic doosh but is just generally a sweetie

Also do we want more Billy or more stu content for the next chapter???

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