Chapter fifteen

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If I could be a different person I promise you I would

Starring at the mask above you, your palms drenched in sweat from the tension

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Starring at the mask above you, your palms drenched in sweat from the tension. You gasp hearing the knife stab into the wood floor besides you, your heart pounding in fear and your face clenched tightly you kneed the masked figure in the gut. Quickly getting up off the floor you fumbled with the keys finally being able to open the door, with no hesitation you ran out only to be greeted by the swelling pain of a knife sliding into your skin. Blood spilling out you held the wound screaming out for help falling to the floor. You starred up at the mask as the leather hand slowly revealed the face. It was you.

Gasping with a scream you shot up running your fingers through your hand in shock. You were drenched in sweat and tears, Billy spun his chair back looking at you in shock "jesus christ Y/n what's wrong?" He questioned starring at your frightened face. You bit down on your lip getting out of the bed and walking towards his door "im going to shower" you stumbled on your words turning the nob.

Steam escaping under the door, you slid down the shower wall, a bag on your cast so you didn't get it wet. The water stung, the cuts over your legs burned bringing the chilling sensation up your body. Honestly you didn't know what to think, you had nothing on your mind, you just sat starring at the glass fogging up.

"Y/n, finish up in there we gotta talk to you" Billy tapped on the door as you turned the shower off. With a sigh you wrapped a light pink towel around you stepping out of the large shower, starring at yourself in the mirror you ran a finger down the healing wound across your chest. Starring at yourself had become something you hated, it just brought back memories of what had happened or what couldve happened.
Sliding into a jumper and pants you walked into the hallway, you noticed the whispering from the floor below. One hand on the rail you steadied yourself walking down the black stairs, you saw Billy and Stu stood up in front of a lounge. "Y/n come sit" Stu motioned to the leather couch, you sat down awkwardly starring at the two "yes?" You questioned as Billy crouched to the coffee table in front of you pushing a glass and four different pills towards you, "I should help with the pain" he nods as you pick them up. Swallowing the pills in a single gulp you coughed slightly at the vile taste of the capsules, "we want to quickly address the rules with you" Billy states standing back up looking to Stu "ok rule one, don't leave the house without out permission. That is unless there's a break in or something but I highly doubt that" he shrugged as you nodded slowly looking back up to them "Rule two, don't try to run away" Billy whispered as Stu gave him a glare "rule three, you can't leave the house without us, if you need anything one of us will go get it" Stu adds as you nodded once more before giving a quick glance towards the other parts of the house you hadn't seen yet, "so you understand?" Billy questioned clenching his jaw "I understand, um can I watch TV now" you whispered slowly leaning back into one of the pillows besides you, "yeah um ill go make breakfast" Billy nods as Stu plopped down besides you. You scanned the room looking for a remote before Stu grabbed a hold of the back object switching through channels, "its going to be all over the news, people are gonna find us" you watched as each channel he flicked through was another story of the killing spree "we're far away now, plus they think Sidney's dad did it we aren't suspects but instead they probably think we're dead in a ditch somewhere" stu responded slightly sternly. You felt bad for Sidney's dad truly but he was dead so it wasn't like he was rotting in jail right? I mean it's still just as messed up but it wasn't your fault right? You started to question yourself, was this your fault? Were there any survivors? Do they hate you? Breaking out of your trance you felt Stu place a hand on your shoulder "are you ok?" He asked, well no ofcourse you weren't ok he just slaughtered your entire friend group but you weren't going to say that "yeah, im fine" you mumbled, you knew you couldn't hate him as much as you tried he was all you had left.

Stu put his head onto your lap leaning back across the lounge, you sat still starring into a void you had created the muffled sounds of comedic TV playing softly in the back, "who broke into my house you questioned as stu looked up at you "what do you mean?" He asked as you scoffed "you know what I mean" he sat quiet for a moment "I did, Billy did most of the calls and then came inside to help out" he tells you as you nodded awkwardly, you thought it was Stu seeming the killer seemed more clumsy or less 'prepared' unlike the other killer who was precise and swift.  "Right" you respond looking down to the TV.

Im so sorry for the short chapter yall I had absolutely no fucking ideas.

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