Chapter thirteen

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You were meant to be mine

You were meant to be mine

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You froze, both of them. Your two best friends had slaughtered the people you loved. You crept backwards as the two gave a glare to eachother before letting out a laugh. "No.." You whispered, you wanted to pause time, you couldn't understand the muffled words that escaped the boys mouths. You watched as Stu inspected your arm, frozen in your place the tears poured down your cheek "whats the matter Y/n? Looks like you've seen a ghost" Billy cooed dragging the gun down your cheek "Why are you doing this" you cried as Billy's eyes met Stus "I thought you would've put the puzzle pieces together sweetie, I mean it's not like we're both criminally fucking I love with you?" Stu states as your eyes widened, "you're crazy both of you" you whispered walking into the kitchen as the two stood in front of you, "we prefer the term psychotic" Stu cooes as Billy runs the knife across you skin. You starred at them in pain, how could they do this to you? Why would they do this to you.

You watched Billy pulled the knife to his lips, "you see darling we have this all planned out, you come with us and we go to Stus holiday house far away and we kill Sidney's dad and put all the evidence on him. I mean what if her father snapped and Sidney's mothers anniversary sets him off and he went on a murder spree, killing everyone" Billy wraps his arm around your waist while the other one scrapes the knife gently across you cheek, "well everyone except for us who mysteriously disappear" Stu smiled towards you "he kills Sidney and then shoots himself in the head, perfect ending" he laughed as Stu dragged the body into the room. You covered your mouth in shock seeing Sidney's dad shot in the head, blood seeping out of his lifeless body. "You fucks have seen to many movies" you whispered as Billy looked back at you in shock "darling movies don't create psycos, movies make psycos move creative. In fact Stu go start moving the bodies" Billy practically sang as you watched Stu skip out if the room.

You wanted to throw up, you felt so sick knowing what they had done. You didn't know what to do though, you truly loved them and all of your friends and family were gone. Should you just go with them even if it means spending your life with to psychopaths who killed you best friends? "Oh baby, don't cry. Look as soon as we're far away enough I'll take you to a doctor and they'll get you fixed up. It was never my intention of hurting you but Stu just kept fucking up" he whispered into your ear lifting you up onto the bench before walking away and grabbing a bag. You didn't really know what to think, I mean this was happening way too fast. "What if we get caught" you mumbled under your Breath as Billy placed a bag  beside you, "ill put all the blame on me then baby you don't have to worry" he caressed your cheek as you looked at the bag "whats this?" You questioned as he scrambled around the room putting keys into his pocket, "some things from your room I thought you'd need" he spoke as Stu walked into the kitchen, "we're all set" he cried out with a smile as Billy looked around the house quickly. "Fuck ok, we need to get going " Billy announced shoving some things into Sidney's dads pocket. You starred in fear as Billy scrubbed off the knife before putting on gloves and wiping of any finger prints, he then placed the knife in the hand of sidneys father. He took off the gloves chucking them into Stus sink as the two made eye contact, "ill go put the bags and shit in the car you go get her in the car" Billy points to Stu as he nodded watching Billy run upstairs. Stu moved closer to you playing with the hem of your shirt, "look I know this isn't ideal and you probably want to run away or something right now but im not stopping you its just there's nothing here for you anymore, me and Billy will take great care of you I promise" he placed a hand to his chest before kissing your hand, you couldn't help but give a slight smile thinking about it. Maybe it wasn't so bad. "Look babe, I'm giving you a chance to run, Billy will kill me but if you want to go leave now" he whispered into your ear, should you run? You didn't know what to do it was all far to much if you stayed you'd have to leave up to the fact you had no body in woodsboro anymore but if you left you'd be stuck with to psychopaths who you loved.

What would you choose.

Ok lots more chapters coming up, but what do you guys want should you stay in woodsboro or go with them???

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