Chapter fourteen

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Do you think we'll in love forever?

Your mind wondered examining every last detail of what could happen

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Your mind wondered examining every last detail of what could happen. If you stayed you had no body, you would never see them again  and you'd have to get on with your life normally but if you went with them you would be stuck but with your friends, you'd have two people who you loved the most but you would have to figure out a way to hide yourself from the public.

"I- I wanna go with you" a smile appeared on Stus face and he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around him as he grabbed your bag. Stu crept out to the car, the two of you waited for Billy who ran back quickly two backpacks wrapped on each shoulder. He pulled out the keys un-locking the car, you quickly jumped into the back as Billy chucked the bags besides you, hearing the click the lock on the door beside you popped. "This is going to be a long drive, but we'll get you to a doctor soon as possible" Billy states starting the car, you began to drive off as the sirens got louder, you peeped out the window seeing the thousands of cop cars making there way to the machers house. "Billy there's cops I dont think this is a good idea" you cried as Billy looked into the mirror before putting his foot down onto the pedal. Speeding down the rode you fell back into your seat, tear trickling down your cheeks you recalled the events of the last 3 hours. The kiss, the blood, the pain and the fear.

"Sidney" you whispered as Stu looked back at you confused, you ignored his glance starring back out the window. Thirty minutes felt like three hours, the pain pumping through your arm. Starring at the dark sky ever so often a sparkle appeared, you imagined what would've happened if you just starred at the stars a little bit longer, could things had gone differently? Could Sidney be alive? Slowly drifting off your head hit the glass causing Billy to look back at you, "are you alright?" He asked quickly turning back to look at the rode. You didn't respond instead you fell asleep.

Your eyes were heavy, you sat up awkwardly rubbing your head. You felt an unfamiliar softness on one of your fingers, there was a bandage wrapped around your ripped off nail, you examined your body only to see a pink cast on your left arm. Looking around the room the dim light from the hallway creeping in, you got out of the bed and stood onto the wood floors. The room was filled with new clothes you hadn't seen before and a closet along with two bookshelves along the left wall. You pushed the door open looking to ethier sides of the hallways, there were three other doors along with a staircase and a couch and television. The house seemed fancy enough, it was two stories and was pretty large. Your legs wobbling towards the closest door you turned the nob slowly, your head was pounding probably a hangover from the amount of drinks you had the night before, you slowly twisted the nob peeking into the room. You were surprised to see Billy in a dark room only being lit up by the light of a computer, "Billy.." You stumbled on your words seeing the boy jump spinning around the the chair,"Y/n? It's five in the morning why are you up?" He questioned walking over to you, "why are you up? Plus I want answers" you state sitting onto his bed as he sits besides you, "well uh, your arms not broken just a fracture" he responded picking the skin off his finger, "did you take me to a doctor while I was asleep?" You asked as he looked up to you, "I did some research, then went to the chemist to get you the things you needed" you looked back down the the bandages, it explained the tackiness but you were confused on how he could tell it wasn't broken. "Well where are we?" You asked as his eyes shot up "far enough away, Stu and I will tell you the rules later but he won't wake up until afternoon probably" he explained as you nodded laying back onto his bed, you didn't know why you trusted them so much but you knew they wouldn't kill you even if they practically slaughtered half the high school. "Why so quiet?" He questioned running a finger down your leg, shivers crawled up your body, your stomach swirling by the touch. "You know I meant what I said, I like you alot y/n are you ok with that?" He laid down besides you as you starred into his chocolate eyes, you knew this wasn't logical but he's was kind of all you had besides Stu "yeah, I am" you whispered as he shuffled closer to you. His breath was warm, he leaned in taking a moment to stare into your eyes before placing his lips delicately onto yours. He moved his hand up to your waist trying not to hurt you in the process, you wrapped your non broken hand around the back of his neck. He took a moment to take a breath before moving his hands up your back kissing your neck, "are you ok with this? I'm not hurting you am I?" He questioned looking at you, the logical answer was no, you shouldn't you shouldn't making out with the murderer of your best friends but the words that came out of your mouth weren't so logical. "Just kiss me" you told him your breath shaking, "I just want you to know I never intended on hurting you, I mean sure I had my motives but I love you" his states between kisses, why did you like this? God you were in love with him and Stu, this is fucking insane but why did it feel so right. Billy quickly pushed himself off of you with a sigh "fuck sake, I really shouldn't being doing that" he scoffed standing up running his finger through his hair before you sat up, "why?" You wondered as he sat down onto the computer chair, "because y/n I love you and I can't just be making out with you when we aren't even in a relationship" he told you, you knew he was right "yeah, I guess that's true" you mumbled falling back onto his bed. You laid you head onto one of the pillow starring at the ceiling, what the fuck had your life come too? You knew it was rational and that he was a liar and unreliable but something about his words stained your heart, you couldn't deny that you loved him.


Ok stu chapter coming up tomorrow

ok but who do we want to be endgame stu or Billy or threesome😭🤝

Or even another character that may just pop up sooner or later

And please comment any suggestions or ideas because im kind of stuck also I've noted I have really bad grammar so please just ignore it 😭✋

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