Chapter seventeen

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My life isn't your success story


"Can we please talk to her" the reporters asked as the nurse stood tapping her pen lightly against the paper "no, please go home" she responds clenching her fist as security began pulling reporters out of the building. She walked down the hall turning the corner into the room of the wanted girl, "Sidney? Are you awake?" She questioned getting the food table and pulling it towards the hospital bed, Sidney uncomfortably sat up to look at her "yeah im up" she whispered rubbing her head. The nurse passed her the water and pills before wrighting onto the paper she had in her hands, fiddling with the plastic cup Sidney looked up at her "have they found my friends? Are they certain my dad did it" she whispered as the nurse sighed "no sweetie, they think your friends ethier don't want to be found or...gone" she mumbled as Sidney glanced around the room, would you have left Sidney alone? She didn't think you could ever do that you were too sweet. "Im sorry sweetie, get some rest ok?" She cooed closing the door lightly walking out.

Stus Holiday House

"How is she alive? You said you killed her" he hissed smashing the glass onto the floor as Stu raised his hands in defensive "I dont know dude! She looked dead enough" he replied as Billy clenched his fist "well did she see it was you?" He questioned, "no, she didn't see me mask on at all times" he bowed as Billy bit down onto the dead skin on his lip, "we shouldn't have to worry, as long as he stays the main suspect we're fine" Billy groans at as Stu glared at him in relief, "whos alive?" You questioned drawing the attention of the two boys. They glared at eachother decided whether or not to tell you, "Sidney's alive" you heart stopped a smile appearing on your lips you tried not to make it to obvious how happy you were to know that she was alive. "It doesn't matter though, Sidneys dads the suspect we are free to live" he whispered as  you nodded awkwardly sitting on the chair watching Stu sweep up the broken glass. You watched Billy ran his finger through his hair, you knew he was stressing but Billy got really mad at times so you didn't want to piss him off any more than what he already was, grabbing a glass of orange juice you began to feel a cramp in your stomach "shit" you whispered rushing to your bathroom. Slamming the door shut you locked it before lifting you shirt making sure no stitches has ripped, to your suprise the stitches were perfect "oh fuck" you mumbled quickly lifting up your shorts slightly seeing the blood, fuck. You opened the drawers of the bathroom praying they had thought of this already, they hadn't which didn't suprise you but now you were stuck on asking them. You didn't want to tell Stu seeming he would most likely get awkward about it and you didn't want to tell Billy seeming he was pissed enough. Quickly a idea stricking in your head you grabbed toilet paper wrapping it making a fake 'pad', you rushed back to the two boys as they glared at you awkwardly "we need to go into town" you whispered as Billy turned his head immediately "why? You can't go out yet people are going to see how bashed up you are" Billy states as Stu nods, "what do you need?" Stu questioned as you stood frozen "um" Billy squinted his eyes slightly pressuring you to continue your sentence. You were terrified that Stu would make a joke about you being moody or some shit but you knew Billy would most likely whack his across the head if he did, "I need pads" you shot out as the two boys stood stunned, "oh, right um anything else" Billy awkwardly asked the tension clearly rising in the room as Stu rubbed his neck.

The two walked off over to the garage while you sat on the couch biting the skin off your nail, if that wasn't the most awkwardly moment ever you didn't know what was.
"What do girls need on their period?" Billy frantically asked as Stu shrugged "I don't know, why are you asking me I don't have a pussy? You know what how bout you get me some extra large condoms" he cooed in response as Billy whacked his arm "shut up you fuckrag and help me what the fuck does she need?" He questioned as Stu shrugged once more "go ask some girl in the store or something" he states begining to walk out of the garage pretending to strum a guitar "oh and Billy" he states as Billy swung around to face him "dont forget my extra large-"   Stu didn't get to finish his sentence seeming Billy had opened the car for cutting him off "I'll get you extra small" he smiles slamming the car door.


I dont know what the fuck this is but someone gave me an idea for this chapter so here you go

Give me more ideas cause I'm lowkey running out

Also thinking bout writhting another x reader or ship just tell me what yall want

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