Chapter twentyseven

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Suprise bitch.

You sighed wiping the sweat off your forehead falling besides the last box you have packed, looking around your somewhat empty room you smiled realising you were leaving woodsboro and finally were moving closer to your college

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You sighed wiping the sweat off your forehead falling besides the last box you have packed, looking around your somewhat empty room you smiled realising you were leaving woodsboro and finally were moving closer to your college. Getting up you lightly dusted off your black pants before walking over to the ringing phone, "hello?" You answered as the line stayed silent for a moment, "hello?" You question again "did Casey Becker not teach you to not pick up the phone" your stomach dropped, your head began to pound while your eyes came to  a blur "no.." You cried out looking around the empty house, "Yes! Now come out of hiding so I can finish off what that son of a bitch started" quickly hanging up the phone you ran towards you closet shutting yourself in before dialing Stu's number, cupping you mouth letting the tears slowly flow out your eyes you waited for an answer. "Y/n? What's up" you covered the speaker before quietly mumbling into it, " come" hearing the creaking floorboards you hang up trying not to make to much noise, looking around the closet picking up the umbrella besides you getting ready to attack the person in your house, eyes widening seeing the sliding door slowly Creek open you bite onto your lower lip drawing blood, quickly swinging the umbrella at the unknow person they grunt falling back onto your wooden floor, "holy fuck" you whispered looking down at the identical costume, you observed the fancier details to the slightly upgraded ghostface costume before feeling the leg from your attacker knee you in the gut. Grunting in pain you clench you stomach falling to your knees, how the fuck did this person know were your past wounds were. Watching the killer slowly slip away into the house you began to hear the loud sirens humming in the background.

Still clenching you stomach trying to catch a hold of your breath you look over to the officers rushing into the room look down to you. The rush of adrenaline pumping through your vains you began to choke on the shortness of breath you had, "y/n! Fuck I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner" Dewey rushed to your side before looking back at the other officers, "get her an ambulance now" he yelled watching your cough slowly get worse as the sharp pain in your chest only grew by the minute, "Where is she? Fuck tell me where she is" the yelling from the hall rang through your ears as you recognised the voice, Billy and Stu rushed into the room the horrified look and their faces "is she ok?" Stu yelled running to sit besides you twirling his finger in your hair before caressing your cheek with his finger. You starred up at his terrified face, you couldn't help but love how worried he was but you couldn't express it seeming you felt like you were being swallowed by a sea of water. You couldn't speak, it felt like the water was dragging you further by the second silencing your screams and dulling your senses, gripping onto Stus hand you could feel the tension rise between him and Billy. Billy looked down at you unable to hold back the overbearing jealousy consuming him, he felt bad for not being able to help you until he noticing the dark patch on your light shirt. "Lift up her shirt" he whispered as Stu gave him a disgusted look before lightly lifting up your top with giving you a nod to receive consent. The  flaming red colour that surrounded your stomach alarmed them, a dark purple colour forming around your nearly healed wound struck Billy by suprise, "that's new, I've never seen that bruise before she must've just got it" he states while Stu gave him a odd look, "how would you know that" be laughed awkwardly as Dewey sat quietly looking down to our panicked face, "Billy answer the question" Stus voice slowly raised as he stood up starring at the boy biting on his nail, the silence was shortly cut off by the ambulance rushing into the room "everybody out now".

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