Chapter ten

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I wanna treat you decently

I wanna treat you decently

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You walk into the living room falling onto the couch besides Randy, you felt him awkwardly adjust his arms around your waist. "Um hey Y/n" he whispered awkwardly as you leaned back into his chest, "hey Meeks" you replied with a smile, it wasn't unusual for you to be leaned on his chest seeming you had horror movie nights a lot with him and this seemed to be normal between the two of you but you couldn't help but know the boy was probably red faced. "Hey have you seen Tatum or Sid?" you questioned as he shrugged too focused on Jamie Lee on the television. You sighed before looking to your side, there was a bottle of beer "hey Randy can I have some of your drink?" you asked as you felt his hand move from your waist and to the table grabbing the bottle, "yeah sure, ill go get us some more from the kitchen" he states getting up off the lounge. You raised the glass to your lips, you knew Stu and Billy would be pissed out of their minds but you honestly didn't care. You practically sculled the drink in seconds and not long after you had drank three more. "Hey maybe you've had enough" Randy whispered taking the bottle out of your hands, to be honest you felt sick like vomiting sick but that was just a feeling right? You stood up off the couch in a slight stumble, as Randy looked at you stumble he stood up in a hurry trying to help you balance, he looked at your glossy eyes that seemed to float around the room. "I'm going to be sick" you slurred out as Randy sighed rushing you out the door. You were glad to feel the fresh air on your skin but you weren't glad at the fact you were now covered in vomit.

"YO Y/N IS IN A BUSH" the other teenagers screamed crowding around the area as you sat covered in your own vomit, Randy sighed trying to cover you from the eyes of the teenagers, "would you all piss off I mean go stare at Tom and Sienna fucking in the bush" he groaned as the teens eyes darted over to the bush, you groaned in disgust standing up off the floor rubbing you head. You looked up in shock seeing the door fly open, "Jesus Christ Y/n what the hell did you do" Billy groaned walking up to you as Stu looked in pity, "I thought you told her to not drink?" Billy looked over to Stu as he raised his arms on defence "I did, she must've not listened, I mean can we can blame her though it is a party?" Stu adds as Billy rolled his eyes before grabbing your hand "c'mon lets get you washed off alright?" Billy mumbled leading you into the house.

You stopped at the stairs clenching his hand, "are we aloud up there?" You asked stumbling on your words as Billy tugged you slightly walking up the stairs,"your covered in puke I doubt he cares" he responds to you leading you into the master bedroom. Billy glanced at you before taking  off his blue button up top, you starred awkwardly as he pointed to the bathroom, "um, can you unzip this?" You questioned awkwardly as his eyebrows raised walking towards you, "yeah sure" he whispered as you turned around allowing him to unzip the costume. You felt him tug at the zipper sending chills rolling down your spine. Once he reached the end of the costume you stayed still for a moment as his fingers glided across the cut and bruise across your back. Your turned slowly looking at him in awe, he placed his finger on your jaw caressing in softly before leaning into you.

If you weren't drunk off your mind this most likely wouldn't have gotten this far but you were drunk and this was happening and for some reason you enjoyed it. A bit too much.

His hand moving to you back touching the revealed skin, you wrapped you arms around his neck leaning in to kiss him.

You felt your hand quiver and your lips melt away, your eyes were shut but you couldn't help imagine what the two of you looked like in this moment. You knew you probably didn't taste as good as you would want to seeming you had just drank 5 bottles of beer in the span of 3 hours but somehow the man didn't budge. He pulled you closer peeling off the fabric from your shoulders. Oh shit.

Ok this was going a LOT further than you thought it would, you were now stood awkwardly with the costume half way off your body, you watched him as he peeled off his white shirt. Pushing off the remainder off your costume you fell onto the bed. Honestly you were too drunk to even process the fact the Billy Loomis was kissing you, in fact Billy loomis was making out with you. You felt the warmth hit your neck as his hands slowly moved to your waist as he kissed down along you collar bone, Right before it would get out of hand you snapped up quickly, "fuck" you whispered as he gave you a confused look, "y/n are you ok? Did I hurt you?" He questioned as you jumped off the bed grabbing his button up shirt and putting it on you. "Jesus no Billy, it's the fact that your Sidney's boyfriend" you mumbled subconsciously hitting yourself "im not her boyfriend" he responded as your eyes darted towards him, "you broke up?" You mumbled as he nodded awkwardly "yup"  you looked around the room running your finger through your hair, "fuck, this is still so wrong Sidney's gonna murder me" you whispered as he sighed putting on the shirt again, "y/n I love you not sidney" he mumbled as you sat back on the bed "that's not the point Billy, it's the fact your her ex boyfriend and she's my bestfriend jesus that's as fucked as it gets" you respond as he  glared at you biting his lip.

That was until the door opened.

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