Chapter twentythree

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I wanna scream and shout

Playing with the grass you starred up and the ingraved stone 'rest in peace Casey becker'. This was the first time you'd gone to her grave in awhile, you used to go as much as you could putting a new flower on each week. You'd also try to get to Tatum's grave as well but you still felt too overwhelmed to go see her. "I knew I'd find you here" turning in fear you saw Billy stood roses in his hand, sighing you ran a hand through your hair "Billy please go away" you uttered looking back at the grave stone as he sat beside you, wrapping an arm around you. "Billy please leave me alone" you repeated watching him place the flower onto the grave, "I bought you something" he whispered pulling out a bracelet from his pocket, placing it in your palm you wiped your other hand on your damp jeans before admiring the bracelt "you can't just leave me for months and they come back and buy me shit to get our of what you did" groaning you throw the bracelet onto the grass standing up begining to walk away, "y/n, don't go talk to me" he yells quickly chasing after you wrapping his hand around you wrist pulling you back "Jesus Billy! Can you not take no for an answer" you punched his chest as he sighed starring down to you "we didn't kill them, im here to get you out of this shithole" he mumbles as you glance back up to his eyes, "why'd you leave me" you questioned as he connected your hands walking you towards his car, "I thought your life would be better without two psychopaths, clearly I was wrong and im so so so sorry but please believe me when I say I have nothing to do with this whole new murder" opening the car door you sat down into the leather seat, the memories of sitting in the back in pain  blood spilling out of your body crawled into your mind "im sorry, im just trying to be pissed at you but I'm not" you sighed while he glanced back at you entering the driver's seat "I watched you from a far, im sorry you were struggling" you looked back awkwardly stuck on his words, he was watching you? "Lets just drop it alright, can you take me home?" You whispered as he looked back to you with a nod.

The drive was silent, the tension was rough as you both attempted to steal a glance from eachother every so often, pulling up at your house you sigh opening the door, "thanks for the ride, I'll se you soon?" You questioned as he looked back to you with a smirk "ill see you tonight"

Really short chaoter but it's late and I completely forgot to write

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