Chapter twentyeight

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I just died in your arms tonight

Rubbing your eyes you looked around the blurry room, noticing the two boys asleep on the small couch beside the bed you crept out of the uncomfortable hospital bed before noticing the hospital gown you wore

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Rubbing your eyes you looked around the blurry room, noticing the two boys asleep on the small couch beside the bed you crept out of the uncomfortable hospital bed before noticing the hospital gown you wore. You didn't know why you were still in the hospital, it seemed like it was only a kick to the gut but you decided not to question it, walking towards the door in an attempt to not wake the boys you crept out of the small hospital room. The hospital was different to what you remembered, in fact it was quiet almost like nobody was there, was this a private floor? Looking down beside the door you notice the fast asleep police officer, "so much for your job" you whisper looking up to the wall trying to make out the time on the small white clock. 

There was an aching pain in your chest, you didn't exactly know why but it must've been why you were at the hospital in the first place. A loud obnoxious ringing noise began to fill the dark hall, expecting to find a nurse of some sort you decided to walk over to the main desk of the floor, there stood an empty chair alongside a ringing phone. Wrapping your fingers around the black device you placed it to your ear, "hello?" You whispered coughing down underneath the desk, "whats your favourite scary movie?"

Oh shit.

"BILLY, BILLY STU PLEASE  SOMEBODY" you screamed dropping the phone looking around the fairly lit room, the fear begining to consume every fibre of your body you made an attempt to run towards the hospital room you had been given. Surely the police officer would hear you and come save your right, stopping in your tracks the phone rings again. Slowly turning around you blankly starred off into the distance at the small light coming for the fallen phone, "oh fuck this" biting on your lip you crept towards the phone swiftly picking it up and raising to your ear, "listen up asshole, if your hear come and get me stop playing your fucking mind games" you hissed in the phone clenching it tightly, "oh sweet sweet y/n, baby I know exactly what you did, in fact I know all about what happened that night and im just going to change the ending " you paused, did they know about Billy and Stu? Shit, do they know? How do they know?  The questions flying through your head causing you unable to respond "oh don't worry though, I won't fully kill you tonight but I sure will fuck you up to the point you'll wish you were dead

"There's a police officer right down the hall, he'll beat the shit out of you" you practically screamed into the phone while the raspy voice let put a light chuckle "oh yeah because he had me shaking in my boots, now you better run while you still can babe  this may be your last chance too" quickly hanging up you shot up hearing the thud, clasping your hand around your mouth your eyes widened the fear rattling in your stomach sending shivers down your body while you stared at the thick blood spill out the officers body, you watched him rach out to the ground attempting to drag himself  away from his attacker. Looking around the deak for anything that could help you in anyway you hesitantly picked up the blue scissors before looking aback up seeing the black cloak stand above the officer before crouching and pulling his head up by the hair and slowly slitting his throat causing him to gasp the air escaping the now broken skin along side the wine like substance, your feet glued to the floor in fear the masked figure turned to stare at you before wiping the knife with the leather gloves. "BILLY, STU" you screamed once more before looking in the opposite direction darting down the dark hall. 

The loud footsteps chasing you from behind you felt like a mouse being prayed off by a large cat, it was like an endless maze of twists and turns but no real escape. You didn't understand why this commotion hadn't woken up concern for the floors below or any other patients in the rooms around you but that wasn't your biggest priority at this point. Looking for stairs or even an elevator you turned the corner feeling your feet slip the tension of somebody tugging on the back of your gown sending you flying to the floor, "NO- NO NO NO" you screamed frantically kicking your legs clutching the blue scissors in your hand waiting for the perfect moment to stab your attacker. Clenching your fist you let out a frantic scream watching the blood spread across  your light blue gown as they wrapped a hand around your throat in an attempt to silence your screams slowly pulling the blade out of your lower gut. Your arm shakenly raising you heard the little ding of the elevator across the hall from you, seeing the masked figure turn their head in shock you used the moment to stab into their arm and then their gut. You watched them flinch back in pain before pinning your arm down taking the scissors out your hand, oh fuck. Your expression changed quickly, you cried out for help trying to turn onto your stomach while your attacker had began to stab you multiple times on different parts of your body but in specific areas, reaching out the ground in front of your tears creating a puddle in front of you while you attempt to push you body weight forward using your hand. The feeling off the knife ruffly being pulled out your back covered your body, screaming out for help. You felt the weight be lifted off your back as the light footsteps got closed towards your head, unable to look up. You watched the black boots walk towards your hand before roughly stopping down onto your hand. "Bye bye" you attempted to look up seeing a hand pull down on the leaver in front of you causing a loud siren to arise alongside water spraying out the ceiling. 

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