Chapter four

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they told me Billy went Billy and that's means young billy done cut up his baby

Tatum's bedroom was certainly different from yours, she had two twin beds which you figured was because most of the sleepovers you've ever had has been at Tatum's house

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Tatum's bedroom was certainly different from yours, she had two twin beds which you figured was because most of the sleepovers you've ever had has been at Tatum's house. It was fairly late at night seeming you had been stuck in a small room talking to officers all night. Falling down on one of the twin beds you sighed as Tatum changed into her blue button up pyjamas, "is Sidney going to murder me?" you questioned as Tatum sat onto her bed holding a stuffed animal, "you're kidding? Out of anything she would be grateful your even alive" Tatum responded glaring at you, "don't tell her I told you but her and Billy aren't even doing to well at the moment, I mean nether are me and Stu but still. Sid could never hate you for escaping a killer I mean god your a god damn survivor" she assured you as you gave her a smile watching her stand up walking over to her record player, "any fav albums?" she asked pointing to the stack of records, "kind of in a nirvana mood" you responded as she nodded placing the album on the player, "hey y/n" she whispered looking at you, her expression was soft which was unlike her. Tatum usually put up a bitchy front, you'd never bring it up to her though because Tatum could be a fire cracker and many people didn't like her because of this, you knew Casey your once best friend hated her but you always thought it was because she was dating Casey's ex boyfriend Stu, though in reality once you got to know Tatum she was one of the sweetest people youd ever met. "Yeah?" you responded softly as she sat besides you, "have you ever liked a girl before?" the questioned stunned you, "I don't know, I mean I never really like people but if your asking me if I would, I guess it depends with whoever I fall in love with in the long run" you smile at your friend as she nods, "why?" you questioned being cut off by Mrs. Riley coming into the room holding a phone, "telephone dear" she mumbled as you stood up looking as Tatum, "is it my aunt?" you questioned as Mrs. Riley shook her head, your eyebrows raised wondering who it could be. Taking the phone from her hands you help it up to your ear.

This felt far to familiar to you, the line was dark, almost eerie. "hello?" you questioned, you thought of all the possible people it could be, Sidney, Stu, or even the police telling you they let Billy go, honestly you hoped it was the police seeming you put him in jail and the poor kid just tried to help you, god you owe him ten bags of chips at this point. "hello, is y/n?" you repeated the line still silent for a split second "how you going love?" the voice sent shivers down you spine. Unable to reply you stood in shock hand hovering above your mouth, "thanks for getting the cops of my back, to bad for your so called boyfriend though" your body was in shock, you didn't exactly know what to do or say in this situation, "what do you want?" you whispered into the phone your lip quivering as the tears began to fill your eyes, "you know, I don't know what you see in that kid what's so good about Billy Loomis?" the voice questioned as you culched the phone "why do you care?" you shot back.

"What's so good about him?" he continued to ask as you swallowed the clump in your throat, "he's sweet" you whispered as the line grew silent, Tatum walked closer to you grabbing onto your sleeve "hang up" she whispered to you as Mrs. Riley ran downstairs to find Dewey in a rush, "oh yeah?" the voice made out in a mumble "look I shouldn't really be calling you but I just needed to hear that sweet voice of yours once more, goodnight darling. See you in the next gutting" and with that he hung up, you look the phone away from your ear as Dewey ran in, "he hung up" you stated handing Dewey the phone as you collapsed on the bed letting out a loud sigh as you placed your hands on your face in frustration, "I'm confused why hasn't he killed you yet I mean he's had all the chances" Tatum questioned "not that I want you dead, I'm glad your alive really but why?" she added laying besides you, "I'm his final girl" you mumbled wiping the tear from your cheek as you starred at the white ceiling. Dewey sighed as he left the room with Tatum's mum, you laid on the bed as Tatum sat up switching of the record player "can I sleep besides you tonight, I know it sounds cliché but I'm honestly scared" she whispered to you in embarrassment as you giggle, "I think i'd like that" you responded as Tatum turned off the light laying down besides you.

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