Chapter twentyfour

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Liquid Smooth

"How long are you just going to stand at my bed looking like a totally creeper" you questioned as Billy scoffed crawling onto the bed and laying besides you, "wheres stu" you add while he sighed wrapping his arms around you, "home, I wanted some a...

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"How long are you just going to stand at my bed looking like a totally creeper" you questioned as Billy scoffed crawling onto the bed and laying besides you, "wheres stu" you add while he sighed wrapping his arms around you, "home, I wanted some alone time with you" he states tensing his jaw as you laid back slightly. It was wrong really, forgiving him so fast but you truly did love him in fact you couldn't stand the fact they left and now that they're here all you wanted was for it all to go back to normal. Leaning up your eyes met his, glancing down to his lips you awkwardly tugged at his shirt, "whats up with you smiley" he gushed interlocking your fingers, tensing  awkwardly you leaned in. You barley remembered the feeling, it had been so long since you'd even touched him, it shocked you slightly a sense of deja vu crossed your mind tasting the cigarettes bitter taste. He moved his hand up your back and tangling his finger in your hair, you tensed slightly as you felt the pressure of Billy moving himself to sit above you, the cold sensation of his hand moving up your thigh sent the uncomfortable feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach. Grabbing his hand moving his back down your thigh he quickly moved your hand above you clasping it tightly. A slight squeal escaped your lips, he looks at you slightly confused as you move your hand to his chest, "hold on what are we doing" you whispered as he leaned into your neck kissing it lightly before whispering into your ear

"what ive wanted to do since I met you"

Your eyes met his as you slightly tensed, you sat up as he fell back down onto the bed, you didn't exactly know what you were doing but this was the first time anything more intense then making out had happened and you were geniunley there for it. You swallowed the clump in your throat as Billy starred back up to you in awe, "what Stu going to think about this" you whispered running your finger down his light blue button up, "I anit sharing" he mumbled as you lifted up the purple top you wore chucking it to the side, "oh, whys that?" You debated as he smirked allowing the white teeth to peak through "because, you're mine". He quickly pushed you back down pulling off his shirt kissing your neck passionately, "you are so perfect" he mumbled in between each kiss moving his hand from your waist and down to the string on your pants, you looked back up to him as he gave you a comforting smile "are you sure?" He questioned rubbing your shoulder as you nodded slowly.


"You know we should just leave this shithole, did what we did before but instead actually being able to live" he whispered looking up to you while you combed through your hair, "yeah, we should. Though there is some psyco on the loose whos probably after us" you joked while he collapsed on the bed besides you, "yeah murder wasn't on the agenda but can't have someone trying to copy my work" he smiles kissing your hand while you sighed looking back at him, you didn't understand why he was so proud of what he did I mean it still gave your nightmares but to  be honest you were to scared to even say anything on the thought theyd leave. "But they don't know I anything, seeming me and Stu are masterminds" he laughed while you gave a slight smile back to him, "you scars healed well" you quickly change the topic as he bites down on his lip "yeah, yours look like they're still healing, whys that?" He responds looking down to your lower waist, "they got infected so it's going to be a longer healing process" standing up you pick up the sweat pants off the floor quickly jumping into them. "Your not still scared of me are you" he hissed the words stricking you in the back, "no, I know you'd never hurt me so why would I be scared" you stuttered out chucking on a shirt while Billy stares at you harshly "darling don't get me wrong I love you but you need to trust me. I didn't kill thoes idiots" you stiffened squeezing your eyes in a attempt to hide the expression of fear, "I know Billy, I do trust you" you gasped for air the feeling of being trapped rushing through your vains as you fell to the floor your mind swelling with thoughts "y/n. Breathe y/n please im sorry " he ushed rushing over to you moving the hair behind your ear, "that's right breathe love, im sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to" you knew this feeling too well, the toxicity of the man in front of you somewhat scared you but in other ways you loved him. Why did you put yourself through this cycle.

Hey lord you know I'm tired.

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