Chapter nine

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I wanna do bad things to you

You knocked on the door, drunk teenagers already surrounded the area

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You knocked on the door, drunk teenagers already surrounded the area. Music pumping through the walls you knocked once more as the wood door swung open, "oh hey Y/n" Stacey smiled allowing you inside the house. "Hey Stacey, nice costume" you commented looking down to her attire, "sexy nurse, very fitting" you joked as she laughed handing you a beer off the side table, "the cat woman costume is totally hot" she states as you laughed opening the bottle, "why thank you, have you seen Tatum or Stu anywhere?" you questioned as she pointed towards the kitchen "Stu's in there" she responds as you nodded with a smile before walking away.

The house was more crowded then you'd thought it would be, the smell of vomit mixed with thousands of different kinds of acholic drinks lingered in the air along with thriller by michael Jackson pumping through the speakers softly. You looked at all the food scattered along the kitchen counter before catching your eye on the party host. You watched them chug the cheap beer like it was water, you scrunched up your nose as they passed the funnel from mouth to mouth, gross. "Stu?" you yell trying to catch the attention of the boy, you watched as he coughed out the remaining liquid straightening his back making his way over to you.

"Why hello there Y/n" he bowed to you, "very mature" you responded with a giggle as the group of funnel buddies noticed it was there cue to leave the kitchen. "You look good" he whispered as you smiled and what are you trying to pull off tonight?" you questioned looking down to the red robe as he smirked "Hugh Hefner babe" he winked with another bow as you clapped, "have you been drinking?" he questioned looking at the beer bottle in your hand "yeah? Am I in trouble or something officer?" you ask as he took it out of your hands, "look last time you drank it ended with Billy on the floor beating up so random dude" he responds as you shrugged, he had a fair point.

You looked around the kitchen before picking up a strawberry, Stu watched as you placed it in your mouth. You didn't really know exactly what the hell you were doing but it felt oddly nice having his attention fully on you. You watched as he grabbed a can on coke popping the lid and handing it to you, "soda for you" he whispered as you took it out of his hands taking a sip of the fizzy drink. You did seriously want to just get majorly drunk to the point of blacking out so you may just find a way to secretly drink out your problems. You began to walk out of the room before hearing Stu call your name. "hey um, I did mean what I said, you look really good" he mumbled walking up to you. You felt his hands wrap around your waist, you were confused at what was happening but for some reason you didn't protest it, in fact you leaned into him.

The knocking on the door startled you as Stu quickly pulled back in shock, you were confused seeming you had just missed the possibility of kissing him. You knew that this was most likely insanely wrong but you hadn't even thought about it, so to be honest you were more then grateful for whoever this loud knocker was. Stu opened the door as Billy stood leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. You watched him give you a quick glance looking at you from top to bottom somewhat admiring you before turning to Stu giving him a look that silently confused you. "Hey" he mumbled as Stu gave an excited grin "look who it is, Mr Loomis himself" Stu joked as you smiled, "hey darling, you look great" he smiled wrapping his arm around your shoulders before looking at Stu, "mind if I steal Stu from you?" he questioned as you shrugged, "yeah no problem, ill talk to you guys later" you smiled as Billy moved his hand down to your waist. You looked up to Stu in a hesitant glance before moving Billy hand from your waist and walking away awkwardly.

Im sorry this is so short but the next few chapter are going to be lonnng I promise

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