Chapter twentyone

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Leave me

"Y/n, hey wake up" your eyes shakenly open as you stare up to the two sat on your bed, you felt stiff sick even

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"Y/n, hey wake up" your eyes shakenly open as you stare up to the two sat on your bed, you felt stiff sick even. Your gaze moved down to your cast and the back up to the dimly lit room, "Billy, Stu? What's wrong" you yawned as the two looked at eachother awkwardly. You felt the tension building up in your chest, you knew something was wrong "goodbye y/n" Billy whispered as you laughed slightly before seeing the boy kiss your hand "we'll come back for you at some stage but we need to you live a normal life for awhile, atleast try" you attempted to speak but the clump was far to big in your throat you felt tears forming in your eyes the words not being able to escape your lips, the two hot off your bed before wondering out of the hospital room silently.

What the fuck.





It confused you, how could they put you through so much pain and yet found a way to break your heart again. How could they kill everybody your loved only to leave you, by yourself in a hospital bed. You're aunt was distant, sometimes it was like she was never there. It was the constant hello and goodbye, it felt like she was a stranger that you swear you had seen before. Some part of you knew they wouldn't of stayed, it was too good to be true, now that they were gone and the story had ended you were only now feeling it, the feeling of love. It was like you were thrown so far away from yourself that you didn't even know who your were anymore, the way you woke up every morning to only stare at yourself but not even recognise the scars left on your body.

Months had passed this that night,  the night they left but the feeling hadn't passed. Everyday was like a cycle

Wake up


Get dressed

Go to school

Get home


Fall asleep

It was a ritual, something you stuck by to attempt to save yourself from change. You knew the clock was ticking though, soon enough everything would change, you'd have to move out so you'd be closer to college I mean Sidney was there so why weren't you?

You look at the class in front of you, paper in your hands. It reminded you of the night, not be able to talk, the words not escaping your lips, your eyes stuck in place, your mind stuck on to many thoughts.

"Y/n? Are you ok, you can redo your speech later, do you need to talk, is every alright?" The teacher questioned as you bit down onto the dried skin apon your lip.

"Im just fucking exhausted"

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