Chapter twentyfive

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If I can't have you baby, no one else in this world can.

Holding onto the string of your backpack you made you way into the campus, it had been a week since the murders and since  Stu and Billy came back

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Holding onto the string of your backpack you made you way into the campus, it had been a week since the murders and since  Stu and Billy came back. You had hung out with Stu mainly since that night, you were ever so happy to be able to not call yourself  a virgin now though you couldn't help but wonder if you did it with the right person. "Wassup babe" Stu slides besides you kissing your hand while you starred off into the distance, you were slightly confused on why Stu and Billy had been accepted into the college so quickly but you didn't question it seeming you knew they had their ways. "Whos Billy talking too?" Stu  looked into the direction your were pointing to as he clutched your hand, "probably some girl he's flirting with, im a better boyfriend anyway" he cooed in an attempt to win you over, you laughed at the endless rivalry between the two on who will win your heart "plus I would've never left you alone for him to snatch you up so im better" he quickly spins you while continuing to walk towards the entrance of  the school, "so what class you have?" He questioned while you turned the corner before cupping your mouth "shit! Today I'm supposed to meet with the office lady about the dorms" you yelled while Stu dragged you towards the office before clicking his tounge "goodluck" he whispered  knocking on the glass door before walking down the hall to his class. You sighed tensing your body as the door opened, you quickly scanned the office room before looking back to the woman greeting you, "You must be Miss y/l/n? I'm Mrs Cooper ill be talking with you today" shaking your hand she lead you into her office. You looked around before sitting on the black chair crossing your leg, "so miss y/n, seeming you are going to be in the play we're going to need you at school for longer hours so we recommend getting a dorm seeming it can be a safety hazard being out late at night specially with...what you went through" she awkwardly states as you nodded, "well what dorms are available?" You asked while she looks down to the list in her hands. Lightly bouncing yout leg you look up to the clock, if you did get the dorm should you just skip the day and start packing your things, "do you have a roomate in mind?" She questioned while you looked back up to meet her eyes, "do they have to be female?" You licked you lip awkwardly as she laughed "yes sweetie, school dorms must be same sex, what about Sidney Prescott?" Your eyes widened at the name, you and Sidney had drifted alot since the murder spree but maybe this was a way to get closer with her, "yeah I'll ask, do you have a dorm I can move too?" You mumbled as she quickly handed you a key, "ill add the rent to your school bill, room 237 third floor to the left. You can take the day off to move to move your thing ill just write it up" she smiles taking off her rose gold glasses as you stood up off the wooden chair, "thanks, uh have a good day"you smile rushing out of the office.


"Chai latte for y/n?" You turned to the counter seeing the girl with the drink in her hand, walking up to the counter you smiled to the blonde before digging into your purse "that's two fifty please" she states as you hand her your card "thanks" you cooed grabbing the drink out of her hand, "y/n?" The voice caused you to turn around in shock "Sidney! Hey, perfect timing actually I need to talk to you" you state grabbing the girls hand pulling her towards the dark green couch. You placed your drink on the wooden table before looking back up to her, Sidney had recently cut her hair shorter which was a shock to you but surprisingly it look great on her, "you're hair looks great by the way, um I just wanted to ask if your looking for a roomate because I just got a dorm so kind of need one" you ran a finger through your hair looking back towards the coffee shop door waiting for Stu walk walk in. "Yeah, actually I do. I'll go talk with the office today and get the key" she smiled as you clapped happily "thank God, I really didn't want to dorm with some random person so very glad" you state as she gets off the couch, watching her exit you quickly wave to her before hearing the bell chime. Your eyes shot up seeing Stu fall down besides you, "hey wassup?'" Hey questioned as you grabbed is hand giving him a smile "guess who got a dorm"you cooed as he dramatically hugs you, "aw, can't sneak in through your window anymore" he frowns as you laughed "you can try spider body" you ushed before pecking his lips, "coffee?" You questioned as he sighed "if you do ask, ill have a black coffee please" he winks as you stand up rolling your eyes walking to the register.

"Have you started packing?" He questioned while you handed him the drink, "nope, it's going to be a disaster so I was wondering if you could help" he looks up grabbing the drink before placing it besides yours and pulling you into his lap, "I mean it does take a man to do that" he joked as you punched his shoulder lightly "oh shut up macher" you respond before looking of the glass window seeing thousands of cop cars rush pass, "whats that about" you whisper as his grasp around you waist tightens, "Billy and I haven't done anything so must be Mr copycat" he groans as you look down to him "or miss".

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