Chapter eighteen

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And I just had to let you know, I never meant to hurt you

Starring at the products that had been thrown onto the glass table, you look up to Billy who seemed proud of himself while Billy stood confused "why is there hair dye?" Stu questioned picking up the purple box while you stare down to the smaller b...

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Starring at the products that had been thrown onto the glass table, you look up to Billy who seemed proud of himself while Billy stood confused "why is there hair dye?" Stu questioned picking up the purple box while you stare down to the smaller box, "and why is there extra small condoms" you whispered as Billy turned to Stu with a smile "stu suggested it" he cooes as Stu snached them out of his arms, "I said extra large but clearly Billy is to deaf to hear or maybe he wanted the extra small ones to himself?" Stu responds as you rolled your eyes looking at the different boxes of period supply's, Billy had bought different brands of pads thinking they had different effects "you know theses are all the same thing right?" You questioned as Billy picked up a box in a hurry, he scanned the logo "but it says extra comfort?" He gave you a confused look as you laughed "yeah it says that but they lie, now what's all this random stuff?" You questioned as Billy gave you and Stu a slight smile "ok I was thinking, now that Sid's dads the master mind why don't we go back to woodsboro go to college" you sat in shock hearing his words, why did Billy think this was a good idea any way what so ever? "And me and Billy can plan the sequal" Stu cooed as you laid back confused, "what if you find out it was you? I mean they're going to question us as soon as we get back" you asked as Billy went quiet for a moment before crouching in front of you, he kissed you hand before looking back up at you "me and Stu will take care of it"

Im so so so so so sorry this chapter is super short but I still wanted to get this put to give you guys an idea on what else will happen. LEAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE COMMENTS <3

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