Chapter twentysix

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You are the only light ive ever know

Holding onto Stu's arm you stare confused at the flashing lights and ambulances surrounding the campus, you look to the side seeing the familiar face "is that Dewey?" You questioned pointing to the man standing besides a reporter. "Yeah, I think that's Gale as well" the two of you starred before you began to pull in Stu's arm leading him towards the two. "Dewey? Is that you" you cooed rushing towards him as he opens his arms to give you an embrace, "y/n! It's felt like forever since I've seen you, how are you going?" He announced as you glanced over to Gale who had surprisingly changed alot, "yeah im fine thanks, what going on here?" You questioned looking at the school as Dewey sighed rubbing his neck before meeting your eyes once more, "I think its happen again y/n. Same calls, same style and same costume" he whispered picking up the mask off the floor. You eyes widen in shock cupping your mouth Stu wrapped an arm around you squeezing your shoulder, "you think uts a copycat" you respond the shock building in your eyes, "I believe so, im going to be staying here in town for awhile so call me, I have a feeling you and Sid may be their prize" you look up to Stu giving him a glare, "I better get home but I'll call you" you whispered hugging him once more before taking Stus hand walking down the road.


"Are you seriously chucking this out?" Stu questioned tossing the bear into the box while you sat on the bed head buried in you arms, "y/n are you ok?" He questions crawling besides you wrapping an arm around you kissing the top of your head, "no, no Stu im not ok, what if they know what happened? What if they know that you did it and now they're coming to finish the job" you hissed tears spilling out of your eyes while he rubbed you arm lightly, "Stu I  want to leave" you whispered starring at the boxes as he glanced down to you, "y/n we can't go, you know that" he responds while you sigh laying back into his chest tears began to corrupt you.

Super shot chap but had to get something out

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