Chapter eight

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It's me you should be seeing.

Stu's Halloween party was growing closer so it only made sense that you picked out a costume. Sidney, Tatum and you had gone to the costume store across from Randy's shop, "what do you think, sexy or scary" Tatum asked holding up the dead nurse costume and police one, "nethier of them are scary" you state as Sidney scoffed  "yeah that's just an excuse to wear a slutty nurse costume" Sidney states lookimg through the costumes as Tatum groaned, "im a single woman now, I should be wearing slutty costumes" she proceeded to say as  you pulled out a costume handing it to Tatum, "how about we go as villans or something I mean most villan costumes are pretty hot I guess" you mumbled as Tatum starred at the Harley Quinn costume you had handed her "blonde bimbo, seems decent to me" she states going into the change room, "you should definitely be cat woman, you'd pull it off really well" Sidney states handing you the costume "thanks sid" you smile as you step into the change room.

Walking out of the shop bags in hand, you look over to Tatum and Sidney who were laughing over some story, "hey guys I'm just going to go see Randy, you guys go have funny out smiled as they nodded "later Y/n" Sidney smiles as Tatum waves to you.

Walking into the store you notice Billy, Stu and Randy standing in an aisle, there seemed to be a large amount of tension in the air, you straightened your back walking towards them your bag clutched in your hand, "if I were you I would give it up, she dosent want you".  "He dosent want who?" You asked walking into the aisle as Billy turns in shock, "hey y/n" he says awkwardly as Stu waves to you, "hey uh can I talk to Randy quickly" you asked as Billy's eyes darted to Stu's "yeah sure, here you go" Stu says pushing Randy towards you.

"So do you have it in stock yet?" You questioned as Randy laughed walking down the aisle besides you, "yeah I do actually let me get it for you" he states walking into the horror section. "Here it is" he says biting his lip looking at you anxiously,"you're the best!" you cooed hugging him holding the, 'the shining' disk in your hands. "Yeah it's on the house I covered it for you" your eyes shot up to his, "you didn't have to" you state as he rubbed the back of his neck "yeah uh I wanted to um in fact I wanted to ask you on a date" he whispered looking away from you, "yeah, ofcourse when?" You responded causing him to look up in shock, "any time uh maybe when the movies have a new film on or something like that" a smile appearing on his lips as you smiled back at him, "yeah sweet alright, thank you so much" you added as he laughed "dont worry about it" he states as you turned to walk out of the store causing Randy to punch the air happily "fuck yes" he whispered to himself.

"Whats in the bag?" Billy questioned leaning against the door as you opened it walking out the store, "costume" you responded handing it to him begining to walk back to your house stu and Billy following behind you like puppies. "Wait, you're wearing this?" Billy asked shocked as Stu looked down at the costume "you've already got a costume? Geez even I haven't chosen one" Stu joked as Billy continued to stare at the costume before running to catch up to you, "i never thought you'd be the type of person to wear this" Billy states as you grabbed it out of his hands, "why are you so interested in it?" You asked as he glared at you "oh um, it's just different" he responded awkwardly as Stu hit him, "you'll look hot" Stu added as you glared towards the two "hot?" You questioned turning to corner of your street, "yeah well cat woman's hot" stu adds trying to cover up his tracks, you nodded walking towards your house door, "right" you say opening the door "well bye" you waved as they awarded waved back at you.

This was really just a filler chapter tbh

My dumbass forgot that the party is one the day that they stu asked them to come SO PLEADE PRETEND ITS THE SAME DAY I CANT BE BOTHERED RE WRIGHTING THIS🙏🙏🙏

Oh and yes I made it a costume party because it's totally Halloween

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