Chapter One

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Collapsing on your bed you sighed bringing your hands up to your face

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Collapsing on your bed you sighed bringing your hands up to your face. So much had happened in that past 2 hours it was hard to even comprehend, "y/n, if you need me I'll be in my room please don't be afraid to talk to me I know its going to be rough" your aunt whispered her finger gliding against the door frame as you nodded towards her, "thanks Nat" you smiled to her as you stood up walking over to your bathroom and switching on the light. Natalie was your auntie, she had become your legal guardian after your mother has passed of an overdose and your father was no where to be seen. It never affected you though, you didn't know your mum at all really and Natalie was the perfect adult figure even if she was only in her 20s herself. Eyeing yourself off in the mirror you began to pull off the sweater you wore and replaced it with a white button up shirt and black sweat pants. Tying your hair up in a ponytail you starred at the cut on you head, deciding wether or not to take paracetamol you glare down to your lower body. You had a large bruise on your lower thigh and a open cut along your back, god you didn't know a table could do so much damage. You were to busy focusing on the cuts and bruises on your body to even notcing the light tapping in the background, "psst y/n!!" You heard someone whisper you're eyes darting to your window. With a sigh you unlock the glass window only to be greeted by Billy Loomis, "jesus Billy you scared the shit out of me" you groaned punching him in the chest as he laughed taking notice to the cut on your head, "I heard about what happened and thought I should check on you" he whispered moving the hair out of your eyes to take a better look at the cut, "he really scuffed you up didn't he?" he mumbled as you began to walk away trying to ignore what had happened, "Billy I really don't wanna talk about it, its not that I dont appreciate you being here its just my best friend was just hung up like a Christmas tree im not really in the mood plus it's 11pm" you state as his eyes darted towards the clock on your desk, "I know it was stupid but when I saw the police cars I flipped out thinking you were dead and I just wanted to make sure" you looked towards him, his face looked geniunley worried and your smile softened, "im sorry for freaking out, my aunts down the hall though and if she finds you in my bedroom she may flip out" you reply as he gives a slight smirk "you know I don't think I would mind your aunt walking in" he whispered to you referring to how  young and attractive she was, this caused you to groan again and begin to push Billy out towards the window. "Goodnight billy" you stated watching him climb out your window, "wait one more thing" running to your desk you push away the homework in an attempt to find the thing you were looking for. A grin of success reached your lips as you ran back to the window and handed him a bracelet "whats that?" He asked putting it on his wrist "it's yours from awhile ago I found it in one of the boxes upstairs" you reply as begins to laugh "you're amazing y/n" he winks and jumps out of the window onto the roof. A smile appeared on your lips as you locked the window, walking towards your bed you collapse getting ready to face the thing you had just gone through.

Two days had passed, the entire weekend you just starred at the ceiling, no will to move and no energy to even think. Tatum and Sidney had come to visit you on Sunday though as soon as they walked in they were in shock, "jesus y/n, you need a fucking shower" Tatum whispered sitting beside you starring at the dried blood splattered on your body, "im gonna run the shower" Sidney whispered hesitantly before walking into your bathroom, Tatum attempted to pull you up off the bed, your hair was knotted causing her to sigh "do you need help changing?" She asked as you just shrugged pulling off your shirt as Tatum untied the sweat pants. Walking into the bathroom Sidney stood in shock starring at your bruised and swollen body. Taking off the remaining fabric on your body you stepped in the shower sitting down and hugging your legs. Tatum quickly grabbed a flannel moving the hair away from your back and to the side as she helped wash you off. "This may hurt" she whispered attempted to brush your hair as you sat in silence. The evening was pretty silent from there, you had finally managed to make yourself look human. "Are you sure you should be coming to school tomorrow?" Sidney asked as you nodded "yeah the police are finally off my back so I should be fine, thank you guys though I don't think I would be where I am right now if you guys didn't help me" you smiled as Tatum hugged you, "look ill pick you up tomorrow, you know Dewey will insist on it if I dont" she replied as you nodded sitting back on your bed, "get some rest, love you and we'll see you tomorrow" Sidney states as Tatum blows a kiss to you as she walked out the door with Sidney. Flicking through the channels you found yourself in the news, it was all the same though 'major murder and woodsboro two teens dead and one survivor', it pissed you off watching people make money out of the tragic event that you had just been put through but there wasn't much you could do about it.

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