When I'm Old - 10th March

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How can I want to grow up quickly so bad 

When I was only just 10 and I didn't know shit about life?

How can I already plan my wedding and parties

When I haven't seen what love really is with my own eyes?

How did I want to have white hair

And various diseases that couldn't be possibly cured

And spend my life with all the people I was with

When I was just 10 years old?

When I'm old and I can't sit straight anymore

I need help when I stand up and walk because my knees are weak

The hospital is almost my home because I have cancer or whatever

My face is full of wrinkles and my cheeks aren't rosy 

I already smell like wet soil and plants

I can't make up the corny jokes I make today anymore

I can't dance around you when I'm happy

I can't argue and engage on debates just to prove I'm right

I'm not the independent and strong woman you met anymore

Will you still want me?

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