I'm Naked - 10th March

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I was already naked

When we were just starting

And when you had your eyes on me

I was naked

No covers

No anything

I didn't have any mask on

So I'm still wondering

Why you love me today 

And why you wanna love me tomorrow.

Here I am

Still naked

Maybe it's because you looked right into a particular part 

Or you didn't spend that much attention

Which is why  you didn't see it all immediately

So you wanna love me.

I am naked

I am wounded

I am traumatized.

I was fooled by grown men thinking that our age differences didn't matter

I was cheated on by younger men who felt so entitled in doing that

I was rebounded by men my age that insensitively took away parts of me

I was harassed and abused by men in my church, men in my home, and men in innocent student uniforms

I was left by men who told me they didn't have the plan to do so, and when they did, they made me blame myself

I was gaslighted by my own family and they were the first source of my insecurities

I was stabbed by my own friends and they were the first who taught me to doubt

So many things have already happened to me that

Made me take it all off

I'm tired of pretending

So here I am;


Here I am,

Each and everything you must know is on the table

Just that

It isn't my naked body;

But my naked truths

If you're backing out

It's fine

But if you want it

If you can handle it

If you can embrace it

I'm all yours.

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