Not so Happy Campers - part 2

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The episode begins with everyone in their swim wear at the top of a cliff getting ready to jump down into the open ocean while trying to land in the circle safe zone and seeing which team can get the most camp members to jump and get the most points from it.

And when you had gotten there everyone was looking at you for two reasons one was because you were hot and the second was because you had a tattoo on over your heart of yin yang which amazed everyone one and they began asking you questions about it.

When you finally got them all to calm down you told them that it was something everyone in his family had to get according to their rules (you would never tell them on air or anyone else not a part of the clan that tattoo is to symbolizes the type of energy one has in the family with you being the heir and having both yin and yang you got it tattooed to represent it.)

When everything got said and done Chris then told you that you were going first since you did not count for any of the different groups and that everyone would be very disappointed to see you chicken out by going down the easy way, but you could see a few people (Duncan for one obviously) that would have liked you to do so.

So not wanting to disappoint anyone but those that you did want to you jumped of the cliff and then assassin creed dived all the way down to the safe zone area impressing everyone even Chris at how calm you were to the whole thing and how amazing that dive was.

Then Chris told everyone what team was going to have to step up first which was the killer bass which all you could see was some time of no one going then Bridgette came first then Tyler (which was painful to see as he hit one of the buoys on the way down but still made it in), Geoff, Eva, and then Duncan is last to jump.

And while you waited with them you got to know them a little better and you could see the girls blush a little at being both close to you and with you talking and complementing them you even got the hard as nails Eva to smile a little bit now and then while you all waited for DJ but then heard that he chickened out and took the escalator down.

It then continued on with both Ezekial and Harold jumping down after each other but they both don't make it into the safe zone with Ezekial hitting rocks and Harold landing in a way that makes every guy wince it was then Courtneys turn but she also chickened out which left Sadie and Katie to jump after Izzy switched because of how they were super bffs.

And after they finished jumping in and scoring for the team you helped them out a bit and told them that their friendship was beautiful and then you heard them both go eeeeee!!!! which hurt your ears a bit, but you accepted it as the way they show how happy they are about something.

You then procced to see the Screaming Gophers members start coming down and the first was Heather, then Leshawna, Lindsay, Gwen, Cody, Then Izzy acting like a crazy daredevil but was still fun to watch followed by Justin lands outside, but he tamed a few sharks with his good looks to drop him off at shore and you all then hear Beth chicken out and then Trent and Noah jump next.

The next person was Owen and when he was nervous you told him that he could do it with the help of Trent which got you some dirty looks from the killer bass members, but you told them that since you're not part of a team, yet you could root for everyone equally if they needed it.

With Owen then going down and causing a wave to form that pushed Trent and Noah who were still in the water to land on the shore which led to them winning and also him losing his swimwear so after a bit of helping from your part of him getting his swimwear back, all of Screaming Gophers got pull carts to help them along the next challenge.

So, as they went along faster than the other team you decided to help them all out with showing how strong you were but only a little as to not reveal too much about yourself and your powers and you then began to help them go a bit faster than with them not moving anything and when you saw Sadie and Katie try to leave for a quick bathroom break you then told them to wait and that they should have someone who knows about nature help them out a bit so they don't get hurt.

And when you and all of the Bass get back to the cabins you then place all the boxes you had down which impressed everyone on the Screaming Gophers side at how much you lifted and when that was done you then left them to do their own things as you then began to watch both of the teams try and build a good hot tub first.

And after a while you see that the Gophers Win and the Bass lose, but you would think it was the other way around at how everyone was acting because of it, now knowing which team you were on you then followed them around to see who you would then be replacing on the team.

And after hearing a bit of the team talking about who to vote and who not you all then hear Ezekiel say basically how bad woman were in genral which led to everyone saying even you in your mind as you told him "adios mi amigo" as all the guys then saw the girls get a bit violent with him.

And as you waited at the dock of shame with all of his bags you then got a look of confusion from him as how he could not understand why he was leaving but you just told him that everything he said in the last few moments is what cost him victory.

After that you then walked with your new team members and started to try and get to know them a bit better since they were not stuck with each other for a while as you all then went in your cabins hearing how much fun the Gophers were having before you then went to bed waiting for the next day to start.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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