The Princess Pride

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Tales of legend, tales of myth, and finally tales of fantasy are things that everyone knows even if its just a singular story as their stories told to keep lessons, morals, or even history alive long after their original intent had been forgotten.

Or they could just be something that's still fun and interesting even if no one really knows why their really important anymore along with them being hard to translate or be something very specific to the time and place it was made for.

All of this doesn't really matter as Yy is being forced to partake in tales of fantasy so old and so well known that he's heard them in both prison, China, and from his teammates/bunkmates talking about them long before this fantasy tale challenge even started.

Like the day started out with the guys somehow starting to talk about which fairy tale princess did they think was the best character in their story along with which one they had a crush on with Harold being to sad and depressed to do anything over the loss of his now mutual love Leshawna.

Things didn't get any better as the day progressed and Duncan was holding a burrito making contest with everywhere where Lindsay and Beth made BFF burrito's, Harold made Leshawna, Justin made his abs that no one seemed all to impressed by, and Amy and Sam made the yin Yan's out of the burrito filling and the tortillas.

Which was honestly a little weird considering that he's never said a word to either of them about being with them after the show ended, I mean of course he was going to be after... certain things happened between the three of them his grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, and basically the rest of his clan would beat him senseless if he even tried.

But that's neither here nor there at the moment as Chris came riding in on his giant throne chair that he's probably been wanting to show off for quite a long while now as he holds in his hand both a crystal shoe along with a book of fairy tales.

Chris: "Today my dear campers we are retelling Fairy tales as everyone loves them and everyone knows them. (Tosses the girls the glass slipper) Ladies whoever the shoe fits will become the princess that out fair knights shall be dashing to protect!"

Both Sam and Amy try to destroy the glass slipper as they don't want to be with anyone other than Yy as they are both more insanely dedicated to someone than anyone else he's ever meet. And he has a cousin that works as a bodyguard for a rich woman for free and is with her every second of the day no matter!

Anyway both Lindsay and Beth make sure that neither Sam nor Amy destroy the glass slipper as Beth tries to put the slipper on her foot as Yy does his best to act as the twins babysitter which is probably not helping anything for his own future.

Beth doesn't fit to which Beth hands it over to Lindsay as she just looks around and sighs before taking off her boot so she can make her own attempt to see if she is the princess to rule them all.

Chris: "(Grunts) I feel like I'm trying to jam a T-Rex into a clown car, and make him buckle up!"

Duncan: "(Points at Lindsay's feet) Hey check it out boys we found bigfoot!"

As every guy laughs Lindsay looks down as Yy and Beth help her get the glass slipper off her foot to which she seemed very happy by especially with Yy not laughing at her, just then everyone heard some noises come from Lindsay's feet as the glass slipper ejected itself like a rocket right off Lindsay's feet and right into Courtney's face.

Courtney: "Ow! (Rubs her face which now has a boot print) Watch were you're aiming those thing! From how much you talk about Manny petties and fashion I'm surprised you haven't gone broke yet from how much it must cost you with big feet.

Lindsay immediately tried to throw them hands at Courtney when she said all that with Beth, Y/n, Amy, and Sam all doing their best to hold her back from trying to fight Courtney with all her might! And by the end of it all she still wanted to throw them hands at Courtney more than anyone else with it not even being over after the show as apparently while Lindsay is forgetful for a lot of things this apparently wasn't one of them.

The first test of the challenge was for everyone but the new princess Courtney to cross the rickety old bridge, past the ugly (Chef) troll, and make it past the cliffside so as to catch up to the princess who had been kidnapped by the evil sorcerer all while blindfolded mind you.

Duncan, Justin, Harold, and Yy all make it over easily with Justin wearing a giant frog knight helmet, Harold wearing a very big wizard hat, and Duncan wearing a red ridding hood cape and hoodie along with having a blindfold, as for Yy he has a white Gi and a black headband that he's been told to move over his eyes.

Duncan, Justin, Harold, and Yy all make it over easily with Justin wearing a giant frog knight helmet, Harold wearing a very big wizard hat, and Duncan wearing a red ridding hood cape and hoodie along with having a blindfold, as for Yy he has a wh...

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As for Lindsay, Beth, Sam, and Amy they all fell in spectacular ways that made it impossible for them to continue any further as Lindsay and Beth both fell of the cliff whilst trying to complete the challenge as Sam and Amy fought for the first time in TEN DAYS!

And like Yy knows it's bad to be happy about someone else's downfall especially when they don't deserve it but seeing the two fight after ten days honestly made a pressure Yy didn't even know he had just go away as he realized they were still somewhat the same people as before.

Everything was really easy for Yy other than the looks he was getting from everyone around him so once he had to face the evil Chef troll he made a dive and took the loss as he felt WAY to much bloodlust and anger for it to be coming from only one person.

Yy then proceeded to fall all the way down the cliff side right into Chris's loving arms. Much to the anger of about everyone down there with him along with one person above that he couldn't quite place where it was coming from.

The challenge went on like normal with all sorts of trouble brewing by Courtney playing cat and mouse as it were with both Justin and Duncan's hearts along with her singing like a princess as Chris immediately starts marketing both her likeness and songs for profit. Probably the most legal and least dangerous things he's ever done with any of them.

When the time for elimination came Justin was forced off the island as he was the most physically broken person that couldn't compete like everyone else in the same challenges with shockingly no one really seeming to care anymore. As Lindsay and Beth were playing with their voodoo Courtney dolls as Sam and Amy looked over the box like they were CSI or something along with somehow having a giant chunk of Yy's hair?

Thankfully whatever they were planning was thwarted as Voodoo doesn't really exist and is only make belief... sadly however that didn't mean he was free of a burden that he had to take care of with them as both girls dragged him off somewhere when no one was looking.

Literally no one knew how or when as the cameras just saw him walking back towards the bathroom and then nothing until about the next morning he staggered to his dressing room as the other guys were getting up.

Duncan: "Hey ma-"

Yy: "(Grabs him by the throat and pushes him out the door) I NEED SLEEP!"

And with that he kicked the rest of the guys out for the day as he slammed the door shut behind him as the girls cabin was pretty normal with some of them seeming to be in better moods than they had been for a long time aka Lindsay!

Along with Sam and Amy of course but they were always looking like that as their sanities, individuality, and just general way of like started to change to the point you'd swear they were NPC's of some weird game that only existed to follow and heal Yy or drain and hurt him.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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