Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan

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Yy wakes up with the sound of his ribs being cracked as he looks to see that for once it wasn't Owen but instead the plane having a giant hole in it that was trying to suck him out that had caused the pain from the severe whiplash it gave him.

Then all of a sudden the wind stops sucking everyone out as Yy takes off his eye mask and earphones to see what had happened and notices that Owen had gotten sucked through it and once again one of the few times his big body comes in handy as it plugged the hole.

Unbuckling his seat belts Yy got up to stretch his legs a bit along with seeing what he could have to eat for the day. And on the way to get his sliced dried up fruits, nuts, and bottle water that Yy swears they just got from some random hose or fountain, he noticed that Alejandro was sneaking into the confessional.

Nothing too strange about that thought Yy until he saw Leshawna go in without Alejandro leaving and so as to not get caught he enhanced his hearing with inner energy and found out that the two were kissing like Harold usually goes after Leshawna.

Yy confessional: "*Static* Okay when I saw them go in together I was a little weirded out and very suspicious as she already had Harold and while the guys weirder than my uncle after eating some magic mushrooms he's still miles better than ALEJANDRO (he said while spitting). Now I ain't perfect either heck I knew she was after me two but the second I found out Harold was into her I backed off before things could happen since I both respect him and their love along with not wanting to be beaten by my grandfather for "living without honor". Anyway (eyes go dark for a bit) I'm after that man and nothing's going to stop me from getting him kicked off this ship! *Static*"

Leaving the confessional room Yy doesn't notice that in the shadows stood Alejandro himself as he squinted his eyes at Yy along with glaring at him before walking back to their area of resting and waiting before Chris called.

And the funny thing about that was the second Alejandro sat down Chris called for everyone to meet him at the middle area of the plane as he then began telling everyone where they were about to land.

Chris: "The wonderful lands of Tokyo Japan where the skies are foggy, the lights are always on, and the legal fee's for shows like ours are almost non existent till someone's either close to death or can no longer function like a normal human again (sheds a tear as he wipes it with a finger). So beautiful (coughs) and also the place where you're challenge will be for the day with out first stop being right here (points at the ground)."

After saying that Chef Hatchet appears wearing a Kimono as he swung around a Katana before Harold starts talking about how Chef got the the culture and everything wrong as Chris tried to get them all to sing only to get interrupted the entire time.

So with a smile on his face and Chef's, Chris lets Chef... give them an interesting way out as Chef cuts the door off with everyone getting sucked out of the plane as Chris and Chef hold on to the sides of the cockpit as Yy flies out with everyone else as he hold a bag of peanuts that he barley managed to grab as he tried find a table to hold onto.

Everyone manages to "safely" land in a giant bowl of rice with Yy and Alejandro may or may not having fought a bit during the flight with it all being "accidental" as they weren't trying to do anything other than sync up for the song...

No but in all seriousness everyone did manage to get down safely with Yy and Alejandro being very annoyed at the other being okay as Harold and Leshawna start having a bit of a lovers spat as Yy tries his best to help the pair before anything else happens thanks to Alejandro's presence.

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