Beach Blanket Bogus

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Today is honestly a very weird day what with Lindsay and Beth ignoring Heather (Can't say anyone blames them from how she acted and treated them last season) along with Duncan pranking Trent which wasn't that unusual but what did in fact make it weird was how he counted 17 times before he managed to calm himself down.

The worst part of his morning was seeing Lindsay and Beth treating Justin like a god as they feed him bacon and fake bacon.... well its not like Yy was one to judge as he had Amy and Sam both doing the same thing... only with more violence anytime he wasn't paying attention.

Chris: "Hope you packed your swim trunks my groove dudes."

Everyone looks at Chris with puzzling looks on their faces as they try to decode what he had just said. Thankfully he got annoyed quicker than they could come up with an answer as he held onto a surfboard making everyone think of Geoff and Bridgette.

Chris: "(Does the Narly hand sign) Todays challenge is teen beach week!"

Yy: "(Raises hand causing Sam to fall as Amy laughs) Uh excuse me, What the heck is a teen beach movie?"

Cut to Yy and everyone being in their swimming gear with them all inside a freezingly cold studio that Chris clamed was for "The equipment but also for Chefs heart" as everyone looked and saw Chef looking really creepy as he smiled and waved at them while cocking his gun.

Yy Confessional: "(Static) Okay so if this is what a teen beach movie is then I'm honestly completely lost. Like where the heck was the beach in "Teen Beach Movies"... also it kind of sucks having to deal with Sam and Amy when their fighting but whenever they somehow aren't then I think their cool to hang out with. (Static)"

Cut to Amy and Sam confessional as the two were fighting each other tooth and nail over something involving the words "First" and "Yy" with the make up, props, and everything all around falling off and shacking as their fight continues.

Back to the warehouse everyone it lining up to pass the surfboard test except for Amy and Sam as they try their best to cheer their respective teams on because one is too much like Heather and thinks their too good to try it while the other has the opposite problem where she thinks so little of herself that she managed to trip and fall before even getting on the dang thing.

Now when it came to Yy stepping up to the metaphorical plate however he saw that both Sam and Amy were cheering for him only one was louder than the other and its not who you'd think. But anyway Yy goes full on master ninja mode as he even made things harder for himself because he just found it to boring standing on the bored and dodging the birds getting shot at him.

He was doing flips, freaking pivots, and at one point he just started moving around with only one hand because apparently that's what he thought of as fun... I mean to be fair there's no way the viewers at home didn't just love everything they were seeing him do and perform... weirdly enough however he has more male fans then female fans but whatever.

It honestly didn't matter if the sharks were even there or not as because of how easy he was able to dodge them but there were times that he did hold onto them and give them a little cuddle like they were giant babies as they reminded him of his old friends that were also his companies biggest rivals.

Yy: "(Dancing like no tomorrow) This brings back memories of my childhood (does the splits for no reason)!"

Duncan: "I thought you said you never watched any movies or did anything fun growing up!"

Yy: "I didn't! But this reminds me of the time when I used to fight a couple of twins back in the day over the most trivial of things."

Duncan: "(Snickers) Oh yea like what?"

Yy: "See who can last the longest in an avalanche, volcano, tropical storm or whenever we used to race against the currents of a giant wave or mountain side during the rain. Ah, good times."

Everyone looked at Yy a bit worried but soon they just stopped really caring once it was Donna stepped up to the challenge wearing a swimsuit that was the most revealing the show would allow her to wear which was a two piece that looked the same as her skin color with gild rings between her chest and on her sides.

She was alright when placed on the bored with it seeming like this was not her first time ridding on a boarded before and most defiantly not the last for a really long time if she has any say in it along with her cousin not saying anything and leaving her alone to do her own thing.

Meanwhile Amy and Sam were similar enough to where Sam got hit in the face with a pelican while Amy somehow managed to scare a shark into leaving her alone as the surfboard went crazy and then launched her into a nearby pool full of electric eels.

Gwen: "Why do you have a tank full of electric eels!"

Chris: "(Calmy drinking hot coco) Because I thought it'd be interesting. Now hurry it up people before a give Chef the ok to use the sling."

Cut to a giant slingshot with Chef wearing rubber gloves using electric eels as ammunition as he takes aim and shoots it straight at Sam who was barley recovering from the birdshot she just got hit with.

Chris: "The winners of this challenge are (holds up the barley conscious Sam) The Screaming Gaffers!"

With that said and done everyone boards a bus that takes them to Wawanakwa beach which takes a little while to arrive with everyone growing more skeptical by the minute until it finally arrives much to everyone's surprise and excitement.

Chris: "The second part of the challenge is building a sand castle out of (gestures towards the beach) well sand (laughs and then looks at Yy) and no not an actual castle one the size of a barbie doll house."

Yy just lowers the hand he was slowly raising after Chris said that as everyone starts building their very own sand castles while Yy just dances because Chris can just do whatever he wants with the man so long as it doesn't violate contract.

While Yy tries his best to help his team while just dancing the night away along with making sure that Amy and Sam stay away from each other as well as making sure that Heather doesn't try anything funny with their sand castle or the enemies.

Somehow the team actually managed to win the coemption, which should not have really happened because for one thing their sand castle just flat out crumbled at one point and the other was the fact that it seemed like Killer Grips new what they were doing far more than the Screaming Gaffers.

Thankfully todays challenge was them all being able to have fun on the beach and just enjoy what nature had to offer... well that and some typical beach side barbeque along with smores certainly helped. And since the bus somehow stopped working that meant the party could continue going for a bit longer with everyone invited to dance the night away as they have a great time.

Welll from the looks of it however it seemed like Trent and Gwen were now breaking apart and while Yy wanted to help them... he didn't really know what to say to either of them since it wasn't really his business other than him trying to help them remember the good times.

Everything got a whole lot worse when Donna started to Really party but thankfully the cameras were off and everyone besides Leshawna along with Amy and Sam were still partying on the beach while everyone else tried their best to either sleep on the beach or on the bus.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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