Slap Slap Revolution

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While sleeping Yy suddenly felt a giant gust of wind start sucking everything out as Yy mumbles something and tries his best to go right back to sleep as he barley got any the night before thanks to Owen squeezing him for everything he's worth.

Yy confessional: "*Static* Look I like Owen as much as the next guy but seriously this guy has to get over his fear of flying (pulls up shirt revealing markings from Owen hugging him) I mean the mans given more bruises than anyone else *Static*."

When Yy finally fully woke up he noticed that Lindsay was looking at him strangely so he gave her a little wave to which she started blushing hard and turned away shocking Yy as he began wondering just what he could have done for her to act like that.

Then he began wondering if someone had drawn something on his face again that could have done so but nope his face was still fine, causing Yy to become even more puzzled as to what the heck was going on with her.

Looking around Yy saw that Alejandro was still trying something with Leshawna so he made sure to become the biggest annoyance to them as possible so as to help his friend Harold still have a chance with his "chocolate goddess" without having to worry about Mr.Incubus.

Walking around the plane Yy sees Sierra leaving with her pants down and belt in hand as he looks away as it was the right thing to do only for her to run on over to him and give him a hug while her pants were still down causing Yy to short circuit as he wondered why?

Like she had yet fixed herself to be normal and presentable to everyone and yet she continued acting like nothing had happened and that this wasn't very strange and weird no matter how you tired to look at it.

Thankfully this didn't last long as when Chris called for everyone to get off the plane for their next challenge Sierra gave Yy a great big hug that popped something before fixing her pants up and rushing over to get her "Codykins!"

Yy: "I swear no matter how long I may live or where I may go, she's still the only woman or person on this planet that I may never understand and honestly I I'm fine with that."

Without so much as a word once everyone gathers Chris shoves everyone out of the plane before using a megaphone to tell them that they had to find a way to quickly descend the mountain as everything shook around them.

To make matters even worse was the fact that the area was about as sensitive as Courtney was to anything relating Duncan and the sing song alarm just so happened to ring at that very moment in time.

(A/n replace the ending with Tyler with Sierra hugging Cody and screaming over the love of Yy and Lindsay.)

Everyone falls down the hill straight onto with Izzy falling into meat grinders that have giant piles of raw meat of varying animals right next to it with a platform for shoveling, a crank to turn, and a sausage casing to fill it all up in.

However there were only three such devices and once again Yy was the odd man out with Chris telling him to join up with whichever group he wanted and since Team Victory didn't have that many members left Yy decided to help them out a bit.

Well that and also to block Leshawna and Alejandro from interacting with one another as best he could which was easier than anything Yy's ever done before as Leshawna took charge and whipped everyone into shape for their own respective rolls.

With DJ being charge of throwing the meat into the grinder, Leshawna cranking it as hard and as fast as she possibly could while Lindsay and Yy made sure that the giant stick of meat wasn't going anywhere and didn't get any holes they didn't want.

There a couple of close calls with DJ's little curse problem but with a little help of Yy's bloodlust and ability to control it those poor creatures became too scared to stay any longer than they originally wanted letting DJ work in peace of mind which seemed to help him immensely.

The job was a little hard on account of Lindsay wanting to make up for lost time and not being able to read the room and wait a bit for the challenge to be over for them to have some fun together... or maybe that was Yy's body doing it on its own without him knowing, you never know since no matter how skilled you are a teenager is still a teenager.

Once Team Victory had finished making their sausage roll everyone was getting ready to go down the mountain to the next bit of the challenge only for Chris to stop Yy as while he may have helped Team Victory he was going to go down with whatever team was last as Team Victory complained the entire time till Chris nudged them down the mountain side.

After about what felt like thirty minutes Team Amazon finally finished their meat board with Yy joining them up last as Cody tried to hug Gwen but failed while Sierra didn't even hesitate when hugging Cody as Yy hugged Sierra causing her to blush like no tomorrow.

After making Yy and Team Amazon finally make their way down the slope where everyone else was Chris puts Yy on automatic win but not being first place as he had no else to dance with for the challenge which meant that Chris could both count and was a tiny bit fair whenever he felt like it.

Things happen like Heather and Leshawna getting into a fight where at the end of it all Leshwana slaps Heather sill to the point of bruising her face and chipping her tooth or at the very least one tooth as Yy saw one of her teeth go flying off into the distance.

Other things of note were Owen getting fired and him barfing out a sausage log of his own from his mouth that he would most likely go on to eat the second he could and the other was Alejandro losing with Yy and Noah wondering why.

Also Cody was but in an embarrassing outfit with everyone laughing at him because of it with the entire dance, dance battle ending with Team Victory getting last place once again with Leshwana being revealed to be the ultimate loser when DJ and Lindsay joined everyone else back in the economy section of the plane.

And for the first time since the trip started Yy wasn't treated like Owens teddy bear as he was instead treated like Lindsay's as she refused to let him go unless it was for important things like eating or bathroom breaks as she wanted to make up for lost time.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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