Million Dollar Babies

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To say the day was weird would be an understatement since everyday being on this show is weird like last night Yy swears he could still hear the faint sound and smell of Owen's farting in the guys cabin as he started to cry from both missing the big guy and because his farts were deadly.

But today was somewhat strange as the first thing he experiences once he steps outside his cabin was Beth twirling Courtneys PDA, Courtney diving to save the thing as if its life or death, the twins being at peace for once as they both wear matching pajama's outside, and then to top it all off he then gets hit in the fact by not one but three balls of spaghetti.

As Chris would then go on to explain, today's challenge was a sports day marathon and the reason for the balls of spaghetti was because they were full of carbs which everyone would apparently be needing as they would then have to start running for a bit until Chris told them to stop.

And this was after he made them all walk to the challenge field as it were, as he just rode around in his golf cart with Chef riding shotgun as he would throw some leftover spaghetti balls at whoever seemed to be slowing down the pace of the group.

It was somewhat fun to see Heather, Donna, and Justin get hit by balls of spaghetti every now and then especially when they kept making jokes at Yy's expense as they all called him rich boy, spoiled boy, goth boy, and so many other things all because he was home schooled with the best teacher money could buy.

When everyone got to the field everyone but Yy was at that point very tired and it certainly didn't make anyone feel better once they realized the Screaming Gaffers had to push Chef towards one of the goal lines like a football. Whilst the other team Killer Grips had to move through small tires with mouse traps and quite possibly other fun surprises until they all made their way to the end of the line which thankfully seemed short from what he's heard.

Meanwhile the Screaming Gaffers weren't having too much luck in pushing Chef down as far as they could what with his weight and everything along with just the fact everyone wasn't working well together and Yy didn't feel like cheating this early in the game.

With help from Leshawna, the group eventually came up with a plan to tackle Chef and get him to the other side which thankfully worked really well as they were actually able to do so once they had a plan in mind. It was also something good because Duncan agreeing to her plan seemed to make Leshawna happy quite possibly because she still felt guilty over the spa and vault thing.

Sadly their was no winner for all of that since it was just a way for Chris to see who would be paired with who along with whatever challenge he deemed to be interesting enough for them to fight each other on.

With Harold vs Lindsay fighting each other in slow mo boxing, Beth vs Heather playing badminton, Leshawna and Justin dunking basketballs against one another to see who got a better dunk, and Courtney vs Duncan fighting each other in a giant ball bit. Which could have been something interesting to see but sadly Yy had his own challenge to get through which was facing off against Donna, Amy, and Sam? as they all fought against him with some cheer leading dance routine.

Yy: "Okay how the heck is this even fair? Amy and Sam were clearly cheerleaders before coming here based on how they're dressed and Donna has more than once said she bring it down like 95 whatever the heck that means?"

Chris: "Yes I know it's not fair (swings arms wide open) Welcome to show bizzness baby where I make all the calls and you can always chicken out if your to much of a baby to participate, of course that's if your fine with your team getting mad at you along with your family."

Yy: "(Sighs) I swear I don't know why I even come back to do this stupid show."

Chris: "(Laughs) Because you secretly love it just like everyone else."

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