The Chefshank Redemption

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As Yy dreamt a sweet dream were he was surrounded by everyone he loved as they all fought to the death ala mortal combat style with the only exception being the special moves and of course the outfits as everyone just wore a Gi with their own color scheme. With Gwen wearing almost all dark colors like her normal outfit, whilst some like Courtney and Lizzy wore a business suit Gi... somehow? While the other wore what could only be classified as a Gi if you were to watch certain films. 

Eventually however Yy had to wake up as a loud horn had woken him and everyone else around him as he heard Duncan hit his head, Owen fart, Harold fall as Owen was farting as Justin complained that he was on day twelve of his manicure and that risking any damage to his nails would be crazy.

Owen: "Dudes, I got this."

Everyone then looks at each other with fear in their eyes at the thought of Owen releasing his power before any of them were even able to set foot to smell the cruddy, muddy, and quite possibly toxic air outside!

Harold: "Owen, we had cowboy beans last night! You're seriously risking a toxic gas leak!"

Owen: "That's all I am to you? Some kind of human fart machine?"

Yy: "(Jumps off his his) No dude were just trying to get out of here as calmy as we can right guys?"

Duncan: "(Nods his head) Yea man, we just value our lives is all, all right big guy?"

Owen: "Aw, I love you guys. And I promise I'll never ever blow another morning– (farts) Starting now. (farts) I mean, now."

Everyone in the cabin starts coughing as Yy tries to open the sky light in their trailer only to remember that he had busted it a couple weeks back on accident after the guys constantly made fun of him when he got back very late into the night with a heavy smell of perfume on him that lasted two days even after changing his clothes and taking a long, hot shower.

After about a few long yet solid hours of everyone trying to clear out the smell as best the could whilst also trying to break out of their trailer eventually everyone had enough of it as they all tried to open the sunlight as apparently they thought they could break it open when Yy could not with his solid brute strength.

And as they all try that Yy, along with all the other guys come to the sudden realization that DJ wasn't really present inside with them and be there to help them break out of their own trailers through either the sun light or with plan B which was using Owen as a battering ram... and trust'th me you don't even want to know what plan C was!

And after half an hour of not being able to do anything (mostly because Justin refused to mess up his nails any more than he "already had") they all begin with plan B as they shudder to think about being forced to begin plan C if this doesn't work.

All the guys start holding onto different parts of Owens body as they all try their hardest not to think too much about where they might be holding onto as they all charge straight at the door only for it to suddenly open and like all cars just because they suddenly want to stop doesn't mean that they in fact can.

The band of merry men all tried their best to stop at the exact moment they saw sunlight but because of the sudden stop most of the men stumbled our with Yy in question somehow going the farthest out of all of them as he landed two feet in front of his trailer.

Chris: "Hope you all enjoyed your first taste of the gulag. And Yy (Laughs) nice air time my man."

Yy: "(Weakly does a thumbs up as he turns around and sees the girls looking over him as he shyly waves) Hey."

Lindsay: "(talks as something gets thrown past her head and lands on Yy's face) Gulag? I didn't get any gulag!"

Chris: "Well, prepare for it to get a whole lot worse. Because today... is prison flick day!"

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