Broadway, Baby!

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Flying in economy class isn't the best but Yy can defiantly say that's it a lot better than before now that Owen wasn't around using him like a giant teddy bear which allowed Yy and everyone else to sleep in as much peace as they possibly could.

Yy awakens to see Team Amazon splitting off into different alliances or at least attempting to do so with Gwen, Courtney, and Heather. With Gwen and Courtney making their own team while Heather made an attempt at Cody and Sierra which failed since Cody knew what Heather was like and also because counting this time they only talked three times to one another. 

As they were talking Yy couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of both Team Amazon and Team Victory since he was the only person in the entire season that didn't have a team and was completely alone which made him Chris's play thing when it came to team challenges which most of them are.

Then suddenly the plane lands and everyone is greeted to NEW YORK BABY! And all related types of music blasting  as everyone makes their way towards the island that has the statue of liberty for some reason as Chris drives off on his stylized golf cart smiling.

Yy: "I don't like the looks nor sound of this."

DJ: "Man it's Chris what do you except rainbow and puppies? (Starts crying)."

Yy: "Dude why'd you even talk about animals if you know there just going to make you cry in the end!"

Once everyone arrives and sees wires, ropes, and other oddities hanging off the side of the Statue of Liberty Chris then starts to explain the challenge to everyone.

Chris: "Climb up the Statue of Liberty, retrieve your team's carriage. Oh also Yy (throws backpack) take that (throws more random bags, cases, and some duffle bags) and these as you climb up and down Mrs.Libery here."

Yy groans as he tries to figure out how to Tetris all of these things onto himself and find a way to climb up the ropes without seeming to suspicious in the process on how he was managing to climb up and not drop any of the objects.

Eventually however Yy says screw it and uses the straps to tie everything together as best he could while also leaving a few suit cases and duffle bags at the top so that he could pull them up with his legs... but decided not to since he couldn't move either the box or his legs when he tried.

After a long time of trial and error to the point that all the other teams had started moving their ways up the ropes they touched as Yy tries his best to pull an Egor and force his way up whilst carrying all the crap that Chris had given him to carry.

The rope he chose was the very tough and somewhat hairy looking one that caused DJ to be in pain the entire time he was climbing it and couldn't change ropes because Chris said so and probably liked watching everyone get hurt.

As everyone climbed up the Statue of Liberty Yy at one point looked up and saw Owen's giant behind hurtling towards him or worse towards his baggage! With quick speed and precision he wall ran across Liberties chest as Cody started to sink into her cleavage with Sierra dragging him out after getting distracted by the sight of Yy for a bit.

Of course this caused problems with anyone else that was down wind of him but thankfully there wasn't really anyone of importance down there other than maybe Izzy and Heather who joined up after him.

When Yy finally made it to the top of Liberty he was painting like crazy since for whatever reason life decided that today was going to be a bad day and practically did everything in it's power to make sure he understood his place in the grand scheme of thing.

Unfortunately for the universe however Yy was the heir of a martial arts centered family from ancient Chia which meant he was allowed to do basically anything he wanted so long as it didn't harm the clan or go against the clans rules in any way.

Yy confessional: "(Static) I swear what the heck is wrong with New York? On our way towards the Statue of Liberty I got asked in both polite and arrogant manners for cash, seen way to many things that I had only ever seen before on the Total Drama action movie nights, and lets not forget that all my stuff almost fell off five times and actually did so twenty times! Thankfully I was able to react in time just before anything bad happened to them, but what made things worse was when I finally reached the top I almost fell off because of bird poop (groans) so far I hate this place (Static)."

Chris: "For the second part of today's challenge you must get to the edge of Liberties crown and collect the baby carriage of you're teams color and Yy for you we got a cow pattern one (shrugs) that somehow exists (laughs) so have fun with that... oh and also once you all get that you must find your own ways down whilst carrying a member of you're team inside the baby carriage and meet me back at central pond."

Chris then leaves as almost everyone groans before making their way towards their team baby carriage as Yy fights against the forces of nature and Alejandro's little bag of round pebbles he seemed to have either found or made and threw them on Yy's path.

This of course was nothing compared to what his Grandfather forced him and others to do the second they could walk as Yy seemingly dances around everything before grabbing his baby carriage and placing as much of the junk as he could into it before making his way down along side Team Victory... somehow.

Thanks to how heavy his carriage was Yy was speeding his way down the fire pole as he jumped into his little canoe whilst spotting that everyone else had freaking speed boats with a note left inside his boat by Chris.

Chris note: "Sorry about the canoe but we had some left after first season and not enough money to afford renting four speed boats especially with one person having one all to themselves that isn't me of course."

Yy crumbled up the note and placed it in his pocket so as to not littler a place that isn't his hose and hoped that his missed arm day trainings didn't make their way to bite him back before getting to the central park pond.

It didn't even take five minutes for Yy to become dead last when everyone else got into their boats and speed off as Yy desperately held back his anger so as to not break his only paddle as he continued pushing himself forwards as he added a bit of inner energy every time either end touched the water.

After about a thousands swings or so he started going so fast that it didn't even seem like he was moving that much and was instead beating the water like an abusive spouse that was pushing him further and further away from wherever he hit last.

Once Yy saw the Sewer Croc Yy started running across the water like a cartoon character as he carried the boat like a giant piece of luggage before throwing it with him attached to the thing and crash landed on river side water way.

Yy was last once again or so he thought till everyone found out that Team Chris hotness had instead accidentally taken a baby carriage with an actual baby inside it along with all of Owens freshly bought pretzels going missing.

And this was the first time he was ever so thankful that no one was on his team or that he managed to go without singing for a single episode only to be meet with Apple fishing as the last challenge for him and only him.

While everyone else jumped into the pond and fetched giant apples from the river that they had to drag back to their baby carriage without using their arms or legs while Yy had to using a fishing rod since Chris "felt bad" about the way things were going and was allowed to "make things easier".

All while Chris started laughing literally two seconds later when Yy began missing with his hook, line, and sinker as everyone started getting closer and closer to finishing the game as Yy barley made a dent in catching a single apple.

However things eventually came to a crashing end once it was declared that Team Amazon had won today's challenge as Yy began to accept his fate once again as Owens teddy bear before hoping back onto the plane after making sure Alejandro's ChapStick had a... special surprise in store next time he used it.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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