The Am-AH-Zon Race

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Riding in the back of the plane was the worst thing that anyone could ever go on as not only were the seatbelts broken but also with the way Chef and sometimes Chris drove this hunk of flying metal that would be someone's tomb.

None of that was what really mattered as Yy had experienced worse from being Owen's Teddy Beat, having him and every other person fall on him, and Alejandro existing in the same room or even area as him which caused his negative side to grow stronger every day from the mutual hate these two had for one another.

Of course neither men would ever say it outright as they both have their own reasons to befriending everyone else with Yy wanting friends and Alejandro wanting to have pawns or whatever he had in store for everyone.

Overall it was an interesting experience this time around as Yy had Lindsay to spend most of the days spent traveling with more so than the others of the plane as while he enjoyed talking with them Lindsay made things a bit more interesting and entertaining to be with sometimes.

Yy almost let out a giant fit of laughter when he spots Alejandro being forced to wear an eyepatch because of Owen elbowing him right in the eye, with the eyepatch now letting everyone see him as a stereotypical villain from those old movies.

Yy confessional: "*Static* Honestly I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome for the self intitled little man. (tries his best to hold back his laughter) Ahem anyway I love the way my days been going so far, and I hope it continues being a great day *Static*."

This however was a jinx as the day then started going down hill as Owen, Alejandro, Lindsay, Courtney, Gwen, and Cody all somehow or another managed to stomp onto his tows to the point that it would take a solid twelve hours to heal even with inner energy.

Things don't get any better when Chris told everyone that their challenge was to find a hidden treasure in Machu picchu by following the trail that he had laid out for them in a map that only he could see and carry at any given point in time.

Chris: "Oh, also beware the locals as they've been known to feast on outsiders (laughs) man if we didn't have to change ratings to show that it'd be really awesome to see!"

Yy: "You're sick and twisted I hope you know that."

Chris: "Why thank you (does a little bow) I try, I really do."

Everyone sighs at the comment before getting dumped in the rain forest as Chris starts leading them towards wherever the heck he felt like with everyone hoping it wouldn't be anything too dangerous as they all knew there was no way he wasn't going to lead them normally.

Going through the jungle was for the most part normal to Yy at the very least as there wasn't anything that dangerous besides the minor annoyances like the quick sand, bugs, animals that may or may not be trying to kill you, along with Chris and his death trap like suggestions.

Heck one of the more recent things he did was have everyone zipline over a lake that had actual piranhas with Tyler very nearly becoming their feast of the day if he didn't get the power of adrenaline pumping through him that allowed him to practically run across the water.

Everything else was for the most part smooth sailing on Yy's part except of course for the never ending pain that was his feet, add that with whatever the heck Alejandro seemed to be trying to do while constantly giving Yy the stink eye or evil eye.

Kind of hard to see which was which as he only had a single good idea which made it a lot easier to see Alejandro "accidentally" trip or bump into things a whole lot more than he usually would have which probably cost him something which was more than worth it for Yy.

Even if it meant that he himself would trip and knock into things almost as often as he wasn't paying attention to the world around him since he was too focused on making sure that Alejandro was going to go down as fast as he possibly could.

An interesting night was shared with Yy and some girl in the dark he honestly didn't know who it was and while he could have easily tried to find out he didn't really want to as they didn't want to be found out and honestly it probably would make things a lot less interesting if he knew who it was with him inside that cave.

For the most part the whole thing was a boring trek through nature with the best and worst thing being both Yy and Alejandro bumping into things and tripping over many things almost like they were thinking of doing the same thing to one another without ever realizing it.

The moment when Cody almost got eaten by quick sand was extremely tense and nerve racking for everyone especially Sierra as Yy dived in after him like he was drowning in a pool or something as he went and tried to help Cody almost drowning with him in the process.

Thankfully Sierra was crazy enough to risk her life as well for these two idiots that she loves and admires from the way she was heavily breathing when sandwiched between the two, and DJ along with Lindsay not wanting anyone else to be in danger grabbed onto her pants causing her to fall with her pants going below her ankles as she managed to grab the two.

Thanks to the help of DJ and Lindsay somehow both idiots were able to get out of the quick sand and leave covered in the sticky goo like mud that was going to be stuck with them for the rest of the day till they went back to the plane and got cleaned up.

Which didn't take that long as Team Amazon at some point just vanished from the game entirely with everyone only finding out a day later thanks to Chris revealing that the natives he spoke of earlier were in fact just actors he had hired to mess with the cast.

And while it would be a bad thing to hurt team Chris, if it meant getting rid of Alejandro than Yy was completely ready and willing to take down his own friends no matter how deplorable the means if everyone was saved from this nut job.

Team Victory eventually wins the challenge while Yy was fighting with Team Chris is really really really really hot and causing even Izzy to fear the jungle from what he had put them through with it all ending in nothing serious happing as Team Amazon was last with the worst thing happing being Cody trying to vote off Sierra which in turn caused her to act like she just got dumped.

Thankfully Yy didn't have to deal with any of that as Lindsay invited him over to stay with her and DJ in first class but then DJ felt bad for Sierra and invited her up along with them as DJ gave a disapproving look to Cody causing to feel like the bad guy and probably even worse than before.

Now the only thing going through Yy's mind was how he could sleep with both Lindsay and Sierra using him as a body pillow along with Sierra crying the entire time as Lindsay and DJ try to help the best they while Yy was told to shut up since he hadn't had any experience in getting dumped before that made him feel like this.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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