Basic Straining

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The day starts off as normal as one could on Total Drama with you hearing Harold yell something.

Harold: "Okay! Who's made s'mores out of my underwear?!"

You then hear Duncan and Geoff laugh right before Courtney screams and Harold calls someone idiot just as you get done changing and getting ready for the day as you then hear Chef through the loudspeakers.

Chef: "[Through loudspeakers] Listen up, you little cockroaches! I want all campers to report to the Dock of Shame at 0900 hours! That means now, soldiers! Now!"

You and everyone else run towards the Dock of Shame while you and a few of the others try and guess what today's challenge would be and what you all might be doing today and when you all get there everyone sees Chef wearing an army commander outfit.

Chef: "[through megaphone] Lone up and stand at attention! You call this proper formation?! Knees together! Arms down! Eyes forward! Head up!"

As he hit Geoff, Duncan, and pointed his stick at Heather before rapidly hitting Harold everywhere while you stood at attention hopping not to get hit yourself while you heard Gwen talking to maybe? Trent about something.

Chef: "[through megaphone] What did you say to me, soldier?!"

Gwen: "Um... Nothing?"

Chef: "[through megaphone] And you'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something! Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive."

Chef then hits Owen after he laughed about something before then continuing with his speech and marching.

Chef: "[through megaphone] My orders are to make sure that all of the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team! Rule number one! You will address me as Master Chief! Have you got that?!"

Everyone: "Yes, Master Chief!"

Master Chief: "[through megaphone] You will sleep when I tell you to sleep! And you will eat only when I tell you to eat! Is that clear?!"

Yy: "Yes, Master Chief!"

Master Chief: "[through megaphone] Rule number two! When you are ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule number three! I'll have to get one quitter before the end of the first day! And that day will not end until someone drops out! Now get your butts down to the beach, soldiers! Now, now, now!"

Everyone then begins screaming as they all run towards the beach as no one not even Duncan wanted to mess with the guy at that moment as you all ran not stopping until you all saw two team-colored canoes.

Yy: "[Confessional] Okay what the heck, I was expecting something but not that."

Master Chief: "Listen up! Each team will hold a canoe over their heads! I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated

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Master Chief: "Listen up! Each team will hold a canoe over their heads! I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoes up!"

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