Full Metal Drama

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Today was a day of war, or as everyone else calls it Chris day as everyone is doing what Chris likes to watch along with them suffering quite a bit as well which is most definitely putting a smile on that sick man's face.

What makes it all worse however was the fact that Leshawna drank something that was intended for Owen earlier in the day which was at this point in time had turned her into a gas bomb that was becoming more and more sensitive as the minutes go by.

Thankfully Duncan was around and managed to whip everyone into shape as he planned everything out that they needed to do to win this little shin dig, as Yy wondered what type of games he's played or life he's lived to be able to do all of this in a way that makes sense.

Of course with the good came the bad like how the other guys seemed to have awoken the crazy child inside Izzy to which she called Explosivo that cost them the earlier round, the fact that they were hiding inside a little hut with basically a bomb, and two members of the team that were facing off against there own family members that seemed to take this as a personal challenge to one another above everything else.

Honestly this was a challenge that he would have been perfectly fine just being forced to do anything else with his time as he was forced under Duncan's orders to stay inside their little fort and protect everyone else that was still in the game as he went out and tried his best to take everyone else out.

It certainly didn't help that they were guarding a giant box with sticks on both ends that make it even harder to hide or even place down anywhere without it looking very awkward or just being annoying to deal with except to lean on as that's the only thing it was really good for.

Yy: "(Puts his fingers on his lips as Heather was trying her best to keep Leshwana from farting and begins whispering) Their about four steps away from here. Keep quite."

Heather: "(Whispers back) Oh like I'm not doing that already!"

Leshwana: "(Whispers to herself) Ohh I don't think I'm going to make it! I feel like I'm bout to explode and this little guy is going to take the whole room with it when I do."

Yy: "(Point at Leshawna as stern as he can as his eyes get a little darker than normal) Suck it up and hold it in like you just ate a bomb! And if you have to go then stick it out the side like your a gas bomb where using as form of mustard gas that doesn't break any war codes or OSHA violations!"

-Chris spits out whatever he was eating as he and Chef start laughing at what Yy said as he did so waving his finger around like a drag queen not putting up with anyone's crap.-

Yy: "(Whispering to everyone) We are not loosing this thing just because Leshawna has to let some gas go! If I have to I will force the gas to build up inside her even more to the point that you'd think I was putting air inside a tire!"

Harold: "(Angrily whispers) Hey! You can't talk to her like that! Who made you our commander! And there's no scientific way that you can force the gas to go back inside her anyway!"

Yy: "(Starts talking normally again) Because Duncan left me here to watch after all of you and the freaking toy box we have in the corner over there and I will not fail this because of some gas! And while I don't know how to do so You can bet your "secret" collection that I will find a way!"

Just as Yy said that Leshawna let out out a fart so long that it immediately filled up the room and made it hard for anyone inside to breath even Owen the king of farts had to leave the shelter as it was getting to be too much for him to bear. 

Heck it got so bad inside the bunker that you could actually see the fart cloud that Leshawna had produced to the point that they probably didn't need to add in anything when they edit this episode and everything from just how much of it there seemed to be.

And of course this resulted in the Killer Grips finding out where they were either by the farting or the tears, coughing and genuine cries of pain from the gas that everyone was affected by as they tried their best to keep their positions and secure the box.

Thankfully however Izzy/ Explosivo was still a crazed idiot and placed explosives everywhere around the place along with the fact that it didn't seem like everything was going great for the team just from what Yy could tell as they stood before all of them. It was also really great when Duncan appeared like Tarzan and swung down taking down Justin and managing to distract them for just long enough for the timer to run out as the Screaming Gaffers won with a final grand explosion from Izzy somewhere in the distance going off.

Of course the tow family members had their own little wars long after the days challenge had ended up until it was time for the gilded Chris awards as they were then fixed up by make up and quite possibly editing as it was clearly evident that the twins fought like this was the American civil war all over again.

Meanwhile Leshawna and Donna looked more relax like they just got done with yoga or something as both women seemed to be at their max chill as Donna went off to vote someone off her team as the twins shook hands for some reason and smiled at Yy before Amy went off with Donna.

Yy: "(Taps Sam on the shoulder) What was that all about?"

Sam: "(Turns around rolls her eyes before turning right back around) Nothing just thought that we were going to have a talk with you about what happened in the bunker."

Yy: "(Sarcastically) Just great! I mean who doesn't like having to talk to someone about their behavior for the day. Especially when its someone they know and are very persistent when they want to be."

Sam: "(Giggles) Don't worry you won't hate it... to much."

And honestly she was very much right as at the end of everything she along with Donna, Amy, and even Lindsay shockingly all meet up with him in secret as they all talked about how fun it was seeing a new side of him as they spent almost the entire night together talking...

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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